SRINAGAR Awami Ittihaad Party (AIP) has condemned the remarks - TopicsExpress


SRINAGAR Awami Ittihaad Party (AIP) has condemned the remarks passed by additional general secretary of National Conference Dr Mustafa Kamal against Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in which he has alleged that Mirwaiz and other separatist leaders are responsible for thebloodshed and uncertainty that has been prevailing in the state since last three decades. In a statement, Party spokesmen Showkat Nadvi have termed Kamal’s statements as unfortunate, unrealistic and faraway from the reality. “Mr Mustafa Kamal or his partycannot distort the history as whoever doesn’t know that the huge cost what so ever Kashmiri’s are paying since 1947 because of the political uncertainty is an outcome of the deceptive, negative, vested and self-centered politics of National Conference leadership,” Mr Nadvi said. “One has a right to differ withthe way of working and political stance of Mirwaiz or any other Hurriyat leader but the cause which they are claiming to plead is the unfinished agenda left halfway by NC founder Late Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah who scrummed only for the lust of power without thinking for a while that how his disastrous decision will have negative and serious implications on the Kashmiri nation,” he added. He further said that, “it is strange that Mr Kamal is throwing onus on Mirwaiz forencouraging and motivating youth to pelt stones, but is actually turning like a layman while ignoring the fact that stone pelters neither need nordo take permission from anybody while taking to streets.” “One has a right to differ withthe stone pelters but any reaction seen on the streets ofKashmir is always an expression of anger and frustration against the use of brutal force by the state to curb the genuine aspirations and sentiments of people of Kashmir,” he added. “Mustafa Kamal should show some consistency and not get himself humiliated every day by issuing senseless and meaningless statements out of frustration and tries to mislead the people,” Nadvi said and added that “Mr. Kamal and his party have made their position very awkward by adopting tradition of abusing India in the morning to appease Kashmiri’s and criticizing Hurriyat in the evening to give New Delhi a notion that we are more loyal than the king. Referring to NC’s effort to approach Mirwaiz, Nadvi said that when NC was singing tones of double Farooq accord and now obviously when they have failed to get positive response from other side they have shamefully started blaming Mirwaiz and other hurriyat leaders. “This has exposed the hypocrisy and vicious face of NC and thus Mr. kamal must remember that people have a better memory than the leaders like Mustafa Kamal
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 10:44:26 +0000

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