SRINAGAR November 14: Keeping in view proposed visit of Prime - TopicsExpress


SRINAGAR November 14: Keeping in view proposed visit of Prime Minister Narinder Modi shutdown call is being called for 21th of November instead of date announced earlier, said Hurriyat Conference in its statement to Sachnews Jammu Kashmir. Meanwhile chairman Hurriyat Conference Syed Ali Geelani ,Friday in a statement while lashing at Pro-Indian politicians accused them for their deceitful and double speak and said that their rhetoric about resolutions of Kashmir issue is a part of their deceptive politics and a blatant lie .Syed Ali Geelani added that their politics is based on deception and these political, parties are deceiving people for their mean interests and for grabbing power. They are opportunist, said he and taking dig at them added that seduction and raising false hopes is main objective of their agenda and since last 67 years bargained it for the continous occupation of state by India .Syed Ali Geelani ridiculed the stance adopted by these parties and said that they were instrumental for slavery and their role is a treacherous one .Calling these politicians as chameleons he added that under the disguise of regional political parties they are acting as stooges and pawns for authorities in Delhi .Syed Ali Geelani while accusing these parties for swindling and looting for local resources said ,that they let all our land ,forests water resources and even constitutional powers to slip into the hands of their masters in Delhi. It is ridiculous that the people responsible for present sad scenario are rhetoric about Kashmir resolution and added that it is not fair and how this suits their interests to raise those issues which surfaced only when they were dancing on the tune of their masters. Blaming these politicians for their cheap politics, Syed Ali Geelani said that they put whole state on auction during their respective tenure. They are creating confusion and exploiting the sentiments of suppressed people and their stance for resolutions of Kashmir issue is ambiguous, said Syed Ali Geelani and added that the proposed solutions they plead lies within the ambit of Indian constitution and it is not more than a status quo .He while referring to commitment shown by people of Kashmir added that they have out rightly rejected their conception and stance about Kashmir .They should represent Kashmir problem in its right perspective and represent genuine aspirations of suppressed and subjugated of people if they are sincere in their approach, said Syed Ali Geelani . They in their clear voice should come with clear agenda and declare India is occupant country and should put their weight with those demanding plebiscite, said Syed Ali Geelani but they are not sincere and they won’t do this as their interests are quite different. They have no mandate from people hence they are not authorized to plead our case, Syed Ali Geelani said. Referring to the sacrifices presented by people he said that People rendered immense and selfless sacrifices for just cause and they won’t allow their sacrifices go waist or let bargained by these politicians and people despite all military might of India and these farce elections would pursue their struggle for freedom. History stands testimony that impediments created by barbaric forces can never deter people from pursuing their right, said he and while referring to Kunan poshpora, Asiya Neelofar rape case episode, Tabinda Gani and other sad chapters of Kashmir history, added that the political parties including National Conference, PDP Congress, Peoples Conference and independent candidates are all stooges. Syed Ali Geelani asked that they were at the helm of the affaires when forces killed people at Gawkadal, Bijbihara Chati Singhpora, Nadi Marg and recently at Nowgam Chattergam. They should now shun their deceptive politics once for all ,stressed Syed Ali Geelani .Syed Ali Geelani urged people to exhibit their wisdom, political maturity and defeat nefarious designs of these politicians and never fall pray in the trap laid by them and reiterated his appeal for election boycott for upcoming elections. Spokesman All Parties Hurriyat Conference
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 12:21:34 +0000

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