SRINAGAR – Three days ahead ofthe Prime Minister - TopicsExpress


SRINAGAR – Three days ahead ofthe Prime Minister NarendraModi’s scheduled election rally inSrinagar, Kashmir valleywitnessed four militancy relatedincidents including twoencounters and two grenadeattacks. The security blanket hasbeen intensified across theregion and high alert has beensounded.The first incident, a majorencounter, started in the weehours on Friday in NorthKashmir’s Uri sector, near theLine of Control. Seven Armysoldiers, three policemen andatleast six militants were killed inthe ongoing encounter by thisafternoon. A senior Army officersaid that the gunmen attackedthe 32-field regiment camp ataround 3 am.In another encounter in Souralocality of capital city Srinagar, anunidentified militant was killedwhile another was reportedlyholed up. Reports said thattroops were rushed near AhmadNagar area here following inputsof presence of militants. Anexchange of fire followed and amilitant was shot dead, but thesecond one is still holed up in theneighbourhood, sources said.Suspected militants hurled agrenade at a police station inSouth Kashmir’s Shopian districtthis afternoon. No causality wasreported from the spot.In another similar incident,suspected militants hurled agrenade at government forces inTral town of South Kashmir’sPulwama district. Initial reportsclaimed that seven peopleincluding civilians were injured,three of them critically.The Chief Minister of Jammu andKashmir this morning said thatthe militant attack on Army‘desperately’ showed the levelsmilitants would go to disturbpeace and normalcy.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 10:42:00 +0000

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