SSOL SUMMARY 8/3/14 TITLE: “Does Anyone Care?” SCRIPTURE: 2 - TopicsExpress


SSOL SUMMARY 8/3/14 TITLE: “Does Anyone Care?” SCRIPTURE: 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 2 OUTLINES: Sharing Suffering and Comfort(3-7) & Comfort Amidst Persecution(V8-11) BACKGROUND: Paul experienced God’s great kindness & consolation during his various times of affliction. Paul shares a story of hardship in this letter. He wanted to help the Corinthian church understand distress & trials from God’s perspective. SUMMARY: (V3-7) Paul begins his letter with a reminder that God is the Father of mercy & comfort. He further explains that Christ’s sufferings flow into our lives as His followers. Also, His consolation will overflow into other people as well as we comfort them. Lastly, he explains that we not only share in their sufferings, but also in their comfort. (V8-11)Paul shares the hardships he & his group suffered in Asia Minor. (Today known as Turkey) He assures the church who they can rely upon when trouble comes. He encourages them to place their hope in God & to pray for them. Lastly, he shares with them if they rely entirely upon God, He can do a huge work in their lives and in the lives of those around them. CLOSING: No matter what, God is with us through His Holy Spirit. One of God’s promises is that He will comfort and strengthen us as we go through life’s worst moments. When we endure trying circumstances, giving to others can help both us & them. When God blesses us with His comfort, He desires that we bless someone else who is hurting.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 23:19:37 +0000

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