SSOL SUMMARY 8/31/14 TITLE: “GIVING TO OTHERS” SCRIPTURE: 2 Corinthians 8:1-14 3 OUTLINES: Generosity Encouraged(V1-5), Excel in Giving(V6-9) & Eager Willingness(V10-14) LESSON SUMMARY: Paul reported to the Corinthian church the testimony of the generous giving of the Macedonian Christians. The Christians in those churches had suffered great affliction & deep poverty because of their faith in Christ. Yet, they gave to help other brothers & sisters in need. It showed their heart & willingness to give above & beyond. Paul knew that as the churches gave, blessing would come their way. This is a biblical truth. When people give with the right attitude, God does a wonderful work of grace in their hearts. (Jesus Christ demonstrated His grace to us all, as He left His heavenly position to come to earth as a man, die on the cross, so that we might inherit the riches of heaven and give generously to others.) Paul did not demand money from the church. He had seen the giving of the Macedonia church & he encouraged the Corinthians to do the same. They loved spiritual gifts. Giving was a gift they could grow in, just as the Macedonians had. Lastly, Paul reminded them of the reasons for their giving: 1. The Jerusalem Christians were having hard times 2. The Corinthians had more resources to share & could help out this suffering church 3. The Jerusalem Christians would bless the Corinthian church with spiritual abundance & wisdom So, in Paul’s eyes, it was an equal exchange. Perhaps, at some later time the Corinthian church might be the one in poverty, need of help and the Jerusalem church could help. CLOSING: There is always someone in need and the principles of giving are always the same-give freely, generously & God will take care of the giver!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 01:38:28 +0000

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