ST 7010 Christian Ethics In our faithful journey, balance is - TopicsExpress


ST 7010 Christian Ethics In our faithful journey, balance is so significant. Jesus is full of grace and truth. Cross was the place where God’s Love and His Justice encountered together. We are all children of God. All of us are followers of Christ Jesus. Just as Jesus told his disciples, Apostle Paul is also talking about the same message, that is love of your enemies. In Old Testament, God punished people in sin and darkness when its level reached the limit God set. We cannot make one rule and apply it to all cases. In light of the Scripture, we should try to sense and apply it to every single case. Sometimes, we might practice to approach enemies with the heart of God. But sometimes, we should let the evildoers know what is the result of continual wrongs before God. Therefore, we should have a flexible mindset to be able to apply the notion of the Bible to our lives. Our lives are so important because we are made by God. Every single human has the reason why they are in this world and so should know what is the calling of God and mission in this world. Mosaic Law says that we have to respond eye to eye and teeth to teeth just as much as they do against us. But Moses was one of the shadows of upcoming Messiah, Christ Jesus in the Bible. In Jesus’ Times, He let us know what is His Way and sacrificially showed us what it’s like. In Deuteronomy, we can see murderers can escape to six places where they are able to be away from the vengeance in case they murdered someone by mistake. In those six places even murderers were safe from any possible harm. However, capital punishment in this modern world is being executed and actually it is needed for the safety of this society from the crime. Then we Christians are in dilemma. What should we do? I think this is also to be applied differently according to the cases. Some murder case can be done by a serial killer, then it should be dealt with capital punishment. Bun in case the reason why murder case happened is understandable if we are in their shoes, they should be protected from the capital punishment, of course, even though murder should not happen in our lives. God is sovereign over all things. He created humans in His own image and entrusted us with all things. Adam and Eve were entrusted with all things in this world according to God’s command. The Bible says we are in charge of all things, such us nature, environment, and even science because God wants us to rule those things under the sovereignty of God. Green policy is performed all over the world for protecting our environments. Our generation should hand a good and healthy environment over to future generation. Carbon dioxide and global warming issues are severely coming up to us. For this, developed and developing nations should be cooperative to protect our world from any harm out of these environmental problems. Japan with Kyoto Protocol showed us what we should do for this.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 22:12:16 +0000

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