ST. CHARLES OF BRAZIL 31st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 3 , 2013 THE READINGS FOR THIS SUNDAY ARE: Wisdom 11.22-12.2. 2 Thessalonians 1.11-2.2. Luke 19.1-10 THE TIME IS NOW !! : Stop Hunger Now Packaging Event; Next Saturday November 9th. The Goal is to package 25,000 Meals in two Hours !! STOP HUNGER NOW REGISTRATION: REGISTRATION PUSH. If you plan to participate in the November 9 th Meal Packaging Event, 9-11 am at the Arbutus Recreation Center, but havent actually registered, please do so by going to our website (and click on the Register to Volunteer Here link) - contact Ruth Ann Wickless . If you have already registered, please consider reaching out to one additional person to join in the fun. Encourage them to register NOW so we can reach our goal !!! PICTURES FOR DISPLAY IN THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER : We will continue our tradition of displaying pictures of our deceased loves ones in front of the altar during the month of November. You can bring your pictures in next week or in the weeks afterward for display. AND THE SURVEY SAYS ?!?!: We are considering changing the time of Christmas Eve Mass. There will be a link to surveymonkey in the body of the e-mail. Please take a few minutes and provide us with some valuable input. COLLECTION TOTALS FOR THE MENS SHELTER “10 BASIC NEEDS” IN 2013: Thank You for your Support !!! Peanut Butter: 30 Lbs. Sugar: 8 Lbs. Coffee: 29 Lbs. Cooking Oil: 6 Gals. Rice: 21 Lbs. Dish Detergent: 6 Gals. Jelly: 16 Lbs. Laundry Detergent: 24 Gals. Cereal: 13 Lbs. Toothpaste: 25 Tubes SHARED HOMILY DATE SUNDAY NOVEMBER 10TH: You will have the opportunity to share your thoughts on the Scripture Readings of the day. This will be an ongoing event one Sunday in each month during Ordinary Time. The readings for Sunday the 10 th : 2 Maccabees 7.1-2. 7.9-14. 2 Thessalonians 2. 16-3-5. Luke 20. 27-38. The Reading from Maccabees is a compelling story. It is the only time in the three-year Lectionary cycle that the First Reading comes from 2 Maccabees. I J M COLLECTION : The International Justice Mission(IJM) is the National Churchs’ designated charity to support. One time a year, each parish is asked to make a contribution. A gift of any amount will allow IJM to serve as a voice for the voiceless in our world, providing these men, women, and children with rescue, support, and renewed hope for their lives and futures . To learn more you can go to their web site. Simply type in ” International Justice Mission”. More details to follow in the coming weeks. BREAD BAKING TEAM HAS BEEN FORMED: We have four people who have stepped forward and offered to be our Bread Baking Team. Sharon Glass, Mary Harrison, Jeff Konyar and Ruth Wickless. We want to recognize and thank them for coming forward to perform this very important ministry. COMING TO A WORSHIP SPACE NEAR YOU : Starting on February 7th , 2014 and every month after, we will have a special First Friday Mass. We have had feedback from people that they would like to have a mass during the weekday. This will be an opportunity for people to attend Mass during the week. PRAYER BOOK : This is available for you to write your intentions. We will still offer the opportunity for people to share personal prayers during the Intercessions. The Prayer Book will be brought up with the Gifts and be on the Altar during the consecration. We will also have all the names of your deceased loved ones that will be read on All Saints Day in this book . PARISH LEADERSHIP MEETING: The Parish Leadership team will have their monthly meeting on Thursday November 14th @ 7 p.m. The meeting will be at the Ernst’s house. 427 Sudbury Rd. in Linthicum. MAY THE PEACE OF CHRIST BE WITH YOU ALWAYS . ALL ARE WELCOME
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 04:42:21 +0000

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