ST. ERICS SEMINAR TOMORROW; Make time if you are at St. Erics - TopicsExpress


ST. ERICS SEMINAR TOMORROW; Make time if you are at St. Erics or some of the schools that will participate at the Seminar tomorrow to attend as I will be there as well. Working questions for tomorrow shall be as below. I shall also be going through these questions tomorrow one by one, and explaining them. Vimbai High School 1 “At Mt Camel, Elijah was involved in a rainmaking ceremony”. To what extent are prophets in Zimbabwe involved in similar roles? 2 “When Hosea named one of his children Jezreel, he was in fact criticizing an earlier prophecy from Elisha”. How valid is this occasion? Gobbet 3 Numbers 11vs24 Moleli High School 4 “Pre-classical prophets often promoted tribal conflict.” Discuss the validity of this question with reference to the prophets in Zimbabwe. 5 Discuss the relationship between Jeremiah’s oracles and the foreign policies of his time. Gobbet 6 1Samuel 28 vs 7 6 Kutama Day High 8 Examine the significance of a prophetic call drawing evidence from pre-classical prophets and prophets in Zimbabwe. 9 Examine the role of the Davidic covenant in the message of Isaiah. Gobbet 10 Hosea 11 vs 8 Msengezi High School 11 To what extent is prophecy in Israel covenant specific. Examine the view that Zimbabwean prophets can be viewed as covenant mediators. 12 “Surely Amos was a madman.”Discuss. Gobbet 13 Jeremiah 2 vs 10-11 Sandringham High School 14 According to 1 Samuel 1 vs 11, Samuel was dedicated to the services of the Lord as a Nazirite. Analyse the characteristics of a Nazirite. 15 “Prophets were custodians of national consciousness.” How far can this statement be applied to the prophets you have studied in Israel and Zimbabwe? Gobbet 16 1 Kings 19 vs 10 St Eric High School 17 Discuss the possible reasons why different parties in Judah considered Jeremiah a traitor. 18 How clear is the distinction between true and false prophets in the Old Testament? Gobbet 19 2 Samuel 7 vs 8 (St Eric) Kutama College 20. Discuss the relationship between prophecy and cult in pre-exilic prophecy. 21. One of the distinctive feature eighth century prophets was that they loners. To what extent is this true of Amos? Gobbet Isaiah 11 v 6 – 8 St Francis Chegutu 22. ‘Prophets in Ancient Israel came from unimportant groups of society’. Examine the validity of this statement with reference to prophets in Zimbabwe. 23. ‘Jeremiah’s prophecy is mainly an explanation of the destruction of Jerusalem and the devastation of Judah’. Discuss.8 Gobbet 1 Kings 19 v 15 - 16
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 20:15:29 +0000

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