ST THERESE AND FIGHTING SATAN We are all very conscious of how - TopicsExpress


ST THERESE AND FIGHTING SATAN We are all very conscious of how much there has been a disruption of unity in the Church, in religious communities, among ourselves, among the learned, and the unlearned. This, according to the psychiatrist, is the mark of diabolic influence. These manifestations, he said, are always evidenced in the diabolic. First is nudity. Nudity, he says, takes the place of love. There is a search only for the experience, not for the love of a person. Every diabolic age, therefore, he says, is the age of the erotic. Secondly, wherever there is a diabolic age there is also violence and aggressiveness. You need only recall our modern situation to find proof of this statement. Thirdly, the diabolic appears with split mind, what May calls schizophrenic mentalities, minds that are divided, uncertain, dubious. These are the three marks: immorality, violence, and distraught minds. This psychiatrist does not refer to the Bible in order to find an illustration of this. But you remember that when our Blessed Lord went into the land of Gadarenes, there was a young man possessed of the devil. Secondly, he was violent. Though they bound him with chains, he broke the chains. Thirdly, his mind was split. For example, our Blessed Lord said to him, What is your name? He responded, My name is Legion. Now a Legion was 6,000 soldiers in the Roman army. MY name is Legion, for WE are many. See, there was no unified personality. MY name...for WE are many. In other words this young man in the land of the Gadarenes had exactly the characteristics of the demonic as depicted by this celebrated psychiatrist. St Therese: A Treasured Love Story, Bishop Sheen, P123 TWELFTH STATION-Jesus dies on the Cross: Jesus, having accomplished all that the Father sent Him to do, says, It is finished. Father, into Your Hands I commend My Spirit. Every priest comes to his ordination day with a sense of purpose and a desire to do the Will of the Father. And every priest hopes to approach his death with a sense of having accomplished all that he was given to do so that he may unite himself with Jesus saying, It is finished...Father into Your hands I commend my spirit. Lord Jesus Crucified, have mercy on all priests. Praying for our Priests, Msgr Dunne, P60
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 11:28:24 +0000

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