STAFFS PICKS - $97.8 BILLION CUT FROM VA TO GIVE TO ILLEGALS “Let me be clear, this isnt a hand-out,” Obama declared during the speech. “We arent giving these immigrants anything unfairly. So this will help these immigrants integrate themselves into our society and will help put them on a path to citizenship quicker and easier than they could otherwise.” As for the cuts to the VA, Obama claimed he’d thought long and hard about the decision. “This wasnt something I came to easily. But part of governing is making tough choices, and I had to make one of those here with this executive order. Weve spoken with officials over at the VA, and theyve assured me they can trim some fat and cut through some bureaucracy to save some money. And as I stated earlier, it’s important that these immigrants are given a footstool to help them climb out of the substandard conditions theyve been facing.” So Veterans can continue to die at alarming rates in facilities that are substandard while illegal immigrants are given amnesty by King Obama getting cash handouts, Medicaid, financial subsidies and quality healthcare in American Hospitals which are far and above that which our nations Heroes are accustomed to. Its high time for Obama to leave office and be punished for treason. ~Cragar~Semper Fi~
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 02:41:20 +0000

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