STAN LEE THINKS HES A SUPER-HERO!!! Okay, I get it...the man - TopicsExpress


STAN LEE THINKS HES A SUPER-HERO!!! Okay, I get it...the man (as in Stan the Man) has help change the course of comic book history. I understand he helped co-create characters like Thor, Spider-Man, X-Men Comics, Iron Man, etc. for Marvel Comics way back in the early 1960s. And I also get that he has been a terrific ambassador for our industry by going around the country for decades shaking peoples hands and giving them autographs. I also know that he stars in all the movies of his characters by doing a cameo in each of them AND he was the first comic book person to get his own Hollywood Walk of Fame star (I even gave his introduction for the honor). But I didnt think that Stan himself had fallen prey to his own ego by actually thinking he is a super-hero himself...and I have the evidence to prove it! On a recent visit to his office, Stan and I were reminiscing about the good old days. I was telling him how, when I was 16 years old, I happened to be staying at a hotel in Florida waiting to go home the next day from a family vacation and there was a Comic Convention going on in one of the ball rooms (this was way back in about 1977). I was star struck to meet Stan, who was sitting at a table out in the hallway. Since his line wasnt that long, he allowed me to pull up a chair and sit next to him and pepper him with questions for the next five hours. If he was bothered by my presence, he never let me know. It was a memory that I hold fondly to this day. Anyway, as we wound down our conversation in his office, I was admiring some of the things in his office, when he jumped to his feet and said Todd! Ive got something great for you! He then had one of his people get the statue you will see below in the photo. He put it on the table in front of us and struck the same pose as the statue. What do you think? he said If you were a villain, youd be quivering right now, wouldnt you? I shook my head to the affirmative. he then told me I could keep the statue. When I found out there were only 125 of them made, I said it was fine, he didnt need to do that. But he insisted. So I anxiously took it before he came to his senses and changed his mind. After that he took a photo with a message to my youth baseball team wishing them luck and I told him that since I was heading out to the beach later that day, Id sculpt something in the sand i his honor (since I didnt have my drawing pad with me. Below is that sculpt...and it is really, really big! So, I am happy to say that Stan Lee and I have been friends for nearly 20 years now (since my Spider-man days), but I told him he wasnt the only one with a big ego. I have made toys of myself (since no one else wanted too). You can see my plastic version looking suspiciously at Stans statue version in the photo below. Enjoy. TODD
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 01:25:36 +0000

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