STAND UP AGAINST TONY ABBOTT’S ATTACK ON OUR WORKING CONDITIONS Workers and their families in Ipswich and the Somerset region must tell Tony Abbott to keep his hands off penalty rates and the minimum wage. Federal Member for Blair Shayne Neumann said the first release from the review Tony Abbott ordered into Australias workplace relation laws showed that penalty rates, the minimum wage, spread of work hours and allowances were under threat. This isnt a review. Its a blueprint for the Abbott Governments revival of WorkChoices, Mr Neumann said. Tony Abbott promised Workchoices was dead, buried and cremated. It turns out it he was just keeping it sedated in his basement until after the election. With the list broken promises under Tony Abbotts belt, he simply cant be trusted - especially when it comes to industrial relations. His review is another attempt by the Liberals to revive WorkChoices and attack our working conditions. Its in their DNA. They want to cut our penalty rates which 4.5 million Australians rely on to get by — nurses, paramedics, firefighters. They want to cut the minimum wage, which 1.5 million workers in this country rely upon just to make ends meet. Mr Neumann urged workers and their families to sign Labors online petition to defend their working conditions. The petition is available at: “We have to make sure the Liberals understand that Australians won’t be quiet when it comes to our working conditions. Together we need to stand up and tell Tony Abbott to keep his hands off penalty rates and the minimum wage”, Mr Neumann said.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 02:59:02 +0000

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