STAND YOUR GROUND: SELF-QUARANTINE SOON OR PERISH By Greg Evensen ▪ theheartlandusa ▪ October 16, 2014 There is something very horribly wrong about having been a Watchman. Do not misunderstand, it has been an honor. The sadness is in watching these events unfold. However, it rings with fulfilling a life-long role in going to the aid of others and defending them where necessary. My career including Army time and state police duty prepared me for almost any crises. I confess I am not ready to be defeated by a germ. However, that may well take place-UNLESS-I take necessary, uncompromising and a final resolute commitment to defend my ground, stand firm, shelter in place and absolutely consider self-quarantine very soon. Let God be your absolute guide in what you do and when. Some will say, I cant leave my job or the kids HAVE to go to school and what would my friends and family say. Let me give it to you as straight as I POSSIBLY can. NONE OF IT WILL MATTER IF YOU ARE DEAD!! How will you know who has climbed off that plane at your local airport and where they came from and who they flew with? The airlines be damned! DO NOT FLY! The McDonalds counter, the shopping cart, the gas pump handle are all germ carriers for several hours and wet surfaces extend the virus life for up to twelve hours. Who was there before you and where have they been? We are starting to get that picture, right? Who was in the motel last night in the room you have today? Who handled the lettuce before you? This is not idiocy. This is truth and fact. Dismiss it at your peril. Men I speak to in the military and police are gearing up for the battle of their lives in dealing with this enemy now beginning an offensive never seen before-except during the bubonic plague in Europe. Civil rights will be gone-the few we have left-quarantine will be certain, hospitals a germ enemy camp, all distribution of vital commodities-food, gas, propane, electric, will be rationed or unavailable. Workers will not be there. Supplies of ALL types will be non-existent or black market items at 20 times their original cost. Bartering will be rampant where people get out-even though they should not. Life will be cheap and short. Many of us here have been educating, informing, and warning you in the direst of terms for several years. Choose to follow the path you want, but remember this. You only get ONE opportunity to choose correctly. Let me assure you that the United States government is as inept and corrupt as any on earth. They cannot manage or legislate themselves out of a toilet. They will however, descend like a dragon from hell on the population of this country with required vaccines, rationing, the dreaded fictional FEMA camps replete with burial pits and crematoria will be present. For them, the choice is clear. Those body bags of several million being stockpiled, resin coffins transported by open truck for months, no medical treatment, no personal control of ANYTHING will be a way of life, and most likely, the end of life as we knew it. This is the scenario being painted by those who will deal with it. I have spent the last several months dealing with personal health issues and quietly speaking with scores of specialists in the military; police; health and research worlds. I CAREFULLY interviewed where possible, individuals who were positioned to forecast precisely what they perceived as future comings, how it would be handled and why it would be final. Many who have read my material and the consummate work of my colleagues here, as well as my dear friends, Steve Quayle and the Hawk. They have revealed conspiracy, treasonous neglect, or a rabid incompetence, mixed with sickening complacency by Americans who want more of the occult video games and horror films. That will only give way to real life horror far beyond the movies, in short order. Even viewing or hearing the subliminal chanting messages in the latest vampire movie may open the mind to demonic activity not seen so openly before this time. Folks, you know I have profound faith in Jesus Christ and an unashamed love for his mercy, salvation and divine nature. In all my life at almost 65, I have NEVER seen such human misery, death potential on a massive scale and sell out to the enslaver of our nation and soul as I am witnessing at this moment. It has even happened within two miles of my home. This has occurred to me TWICE by those I counted as allies in this great battle. Now they are absolutely not trustworthy. Know anyone like that? Look very, very carefully as you proceed with your preparations and planning. This is my final warning. Watchmen stood on the ramparts and viewed the approach of an enemy. From about two miles they could see a dust trail from troops or horses. At one mile they could almost see the banners of the foe marching toward them. They had already given two warnings to those sheltered in the fort. As the enemy closed in, the final call from the ramparts rang out for defensive troops at all battle stations. The time had come. Waiting and doing nothing was not an option if they were to possibly survive. It was doing the necessary or the end was at hand. America has had its final warning. Consider my words carefully. You must do what you can live with-or not. A wait and see attitude could be your forever peril. Accept and rejoice that your government will take care of you. As I have said before, the Center for Death Control in Atlanta cant find its collective rear end with a Chinese made, Wal-Mart sold, remote controlled ass finder. Yep, let Obama and his ISIS sympathizing Luciferian mongrels in the White House and the sold out to the lowest bidder morons on Capitol Hill, allow the Islamic sleeper cells in 1500 American Mosques do their work as well. Many of your heads will look pretty darn nice neatly stacked on your mail box. Keep tolerating the 501 (C3) government guided churches as they lull you to sleep with feel good crap that will grease the slide to hell. Leave those dens of vipers and find truth preaching fellowships that will be there with you. You allowed it to get to this point. You voted badly, didnt vote, voted one party or the other because you just could not vote in a candidate that told the truth. It was easier, less painful, laced with free goodies if you just put the slickest liar to be found in a seat of power over you. If we can get to the voting booth in time, then do the right thing for at least once in your life. Harry Reid MUST go, That philosophy MUST go. As the CDC director so eloquently stated the White House line. We cant stop airline flights because it could injure commerce in fledgling democracies in Africa. Therefore, that obviously stupid, politically correct solution is correct, and protecting Americans is not the answer. What a complete idiot. He will definitely be promoted by Obama for something; maybe national Burial Czar. It is a conspiracy to promote the germ that will kill us. Long standing depopulation plans Prince Charles as you remember, said, that if he could be reincarnated, he would come back as a killer virus to help reduce the population of the earth from 7 billion to 500 million. Maybe Camilla will do her royal duty yet with that pervert. As I put an end to 10 years of broadcasting and 7 years of writing, I weep at the thought that I wrote the column with this tone and content. I must now work toward completing my recovery and taking care of my 25 children, spouses, grand-children and my wife Liz along with 4 brothers and sisters. I am the oldest male and the one the torch was passed to in my dream of my great friend Jack McLamb the day he passed. I am prepared to fight all enemies, foreign and domestic, even microbes. Under the banner De Oppresso Liber I learned that the final battle on the field of combat is the one with self. We were told that to ignore that was a slow perhaps addicted death. To vanquish that foe was to enable one’s self to fight on with more strength the next time. I am adopting that tactic for the time remaining in my life. I have no choice. I put on the full Armor of God a long time ago as it says in Ephesians 6. Recently I pulled it a bit tighter and polished the sword and shield. Make no mistake; I will see one more battle. Please join me in your preparations. Your own plan, your careful efforts to do all that you can in earthly terms, and then get on your knees and DONT GET UP until your work with the Savior is complete. On Gods Holy word I commend you to this task. You will never, ever regret that decision. Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves from the enemy. I will be with you, heart and soul. God bless you all richly........
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 04:19:57 +0000

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