STAR-SEARCHER & EXPERIENCE #16 WHAT IS THE BEAUTY OF THE FIRE OF THE HEART? EXPERIENCE: Star searcher, we have an hour before we can watch the sunset in silence. You may ask your questions now. STAR-SEARCHER: Ya know, Ive been having trouble understanding the Agni Yoga concept of Fire, especially with respect to the heart. Do I understand correctly that I can substitute the word psychic energy for the word fire, and thus, for all practical purposes, the fire of the heart is the psychic energy of the heart? EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Hmmm. Could you help me to increase my understanding of the fire of the heart? EXPERIENCE: Glad to do it, Star Searcher, glad to do it. STAR-SEARCHER: OK, where do we start? EXPERIENCE: Well, Star Searcher, it is prudent to start with a sincere question. STAR-SEARCHER: OK, which question should we begin with? EXPERIENCE: Your best question, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: (Pauses a few seconds to think). Well, since beauty is the realm of the heart, Id like to stick with beauty. EXPERIENCE: Therefore, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Therefore, what is the beauty of the fire of the heart? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, Just think! Each of us carries within himself the One Fire, immutable throughout the entire Universe. [F.W. 1, #7] STAR-SEARCHER: Really? Thats wonderful. But ah ... EXPERIENCE: I heard that but, Star Searcher, what is it? STAR-SEARCHER: Well, ah ... I guess I should ask what immutable means. EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, immutable means Never changing or varying; unchangeable. [Websters New World Dictionary, 2nd ed.] STAR-SEARCHER: Thank you. That really helps. EXPERIENCE: Thank you for your honesty, Star Searcher. Accurate understanding is necessary for spiritual growth. STAR-SEARCHER: So this One Fire never changes or varies, is that right? EXPERIENCE: That is correct, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: And it exists throughout the Universe? EXPERIENCE: Correct again, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Did I hear you accurately when you said that each of us carries within himself the One Fire? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, no one cares to imagine that the universal treasure is within him. [F.W. 1, #7] STAR-SEARCHER: Please share more knowledge about this One Fire. EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, The elements are not identical in the Cosmos, the change in their qualities does not permit us to ascribe to them identicalness. But the fire of the heart alone unites through its magnet all world structure. One must think about this pre-eminence. [F.W.1 #7] STAR-SEARCHER: Are there times on the Path of Beauty when we should use this One Fire? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, It is necessary to utilize this treasure in the entire structure of life. [F.W. 1, #7] STAR-SEARCHER: Wait a minute ... EXPERIENCE: Yes, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Well, If theres only One Fire does that mean that there is only one light? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, There is but one Light of Fire in all the world. We can understand that fire manifests at the most remote distances. There is nothing supernatural or mysterious about it. Even a lesser disciple has heard about the all-pervading Fire, but he has failed to realize its application. [F.W. 1, #7] STAR-SEARCHER: Hmmm. Say, can this One Fire cause a person trouble? EXPERIENCE: Trouble, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: You know, what if I make a mistake in the application? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, The fire of the centers is harmony; the fire of the spirit is harmony; the fire of the heart is harmony. [Infinity 1, #269] STAR-SEARCHER: Ah. Where should I use this fire? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, The spark of the spirit kindles the heart, hence Our Teaching is in need of spreading through the fire of the heart. How can one kindle the torches of the spirit without the fire of the heart? Only fire uplifts creativeness and imbues each action. [Hierarchy, #100] STAR-SEARCHER: Can you be more specific about what kindles the heart? EXPERIENCE: Yes, Star Searcher. Gratitude is one of the ... STAR-SEARCHER: No wait! EXPERIENCE: What is it, Star Searcher? Is there something wrong? STAR-SEARCHER: You must have misunderstood my question. I didnt ask about gratitude I asked about ... EXPERIENCE: What kindles the heart, right, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Right, but ... EXPERIENCE: Patience, Star Searcher. Patience. Please allow me to finish answering your question then you may comment or ask other questions. STAR-SEARCHER: Er sorry. Please continue. EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, Gratitude is one of the main qualities of justice. Without justice one cannot reach the path of Great Service. Therefore, in pointing out the necessity for the realization of gratitude, we only assist the Great Service. How beautiful is gratitude! It so easily kindles the fire of the heart, and, as if in the presence of the Image of the Lord, it fills the spirit with nobility. [Hierarchy #182] STAR-SEARCHER: Nobility? EXPERIENCE: Yes, Star Searcher. We term nobility the benevolent accumulations from former lives. [Hierarchy #182] STAR-SEARCHER: Ah. Excuse me, but are you saying that we should focus on gratitude while on the Path of Beauty? EXPERIENCE: Yes and no, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Well, now I understand perfectly! EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, you should not focus on gratitude to the exclusion of other qualities on the Path of Beauty such as sincerity, striving, love and sacrifice. STAR-SEARCHER: Oh. I see. We have to maintain a harmonious balance, right? EXPERIENCE: Yes. However, that being said, Star Searcher, One should especially develop gratitude, because gratitude is the sister of loyalty. [Hierarchy #182] STAR-SEARCHER: Should a person force the kindling of his or her heart? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, The natural blending with the Highest is achieved only through a naturally kindled fire of the heart. [Hierarchy #362] STAR-SEARCHER: Is the fire of the heart a shield against in coming inharmony? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, Resistance to evil is one of the fundamental qualities of those who are in search of Hierarchy. Physical qualities will not give tenacity against evil, but the spirit and the fire of the heart will create an armor against the cunning of evil. [Hierarchy #378] STAR-SEARCHER: That is really comforting to know. Perhaps that kind of fiery protection will give us more time for creative service. What do you think? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, Creativeness encompasses the fiery potentiality, and is impregnated with the sacred fire of the heart. By what means can the foundation of the great steps be laid? Verily, only through the heart. Thus the arcs of consciousness are fused by the flame of the heart. [Heart #1] STAR-SEARCHER: Should we mention the fire of the heart to others? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, One should remind people primarily about the significance of the heart as the unifier of the worlds. Is not the fire of the heart the very fire of space? [Heart #73] STAR-SEARCHER: How long does it take to manifest the fire of the heart? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, It would seem that the fires of the heart are very natural and simple in manifestation; but long periods are needed in order that this understanding which links the lowest with the Subtle World may become evident in the physical world. Of course, a great number of the fires demand adjustment to them in order to bring a seeming casualness into the cadence of the rhythm. There are very few who strive to become citizens of the Universe. This title demands numerous cares, observation, vigilance, and primarily an indomitable striving. [Heart #97] STAR-SEARCHER: How does our heart affect the objects which we create? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, Fire is closest to sound and color. And it is not without reason that the trumpet call attracts the Fire of Space. [Heart #172] STAR-SEARCHER: Hmmm. Does that mean a painting can be affected by this fire of the heart? EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. It is not incidental that some paintings seem to radiate; the same fire of the heart glows in them. [Heart #172] STAR-SEARCHER: Does this make the fire of the heart a reality? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, The manifestations of fire must be envisioned not only as a reality, but as something indivisible from us. [Heart #172] STAR-SEARCHER: Does this fire of the heart affect the imagination? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher:. Imagination is the result of the accumulation of experiences. This is sufficiently known. But there may be vast accumulation, and instead of imagination there will nevertheless be evidenced only lustful desires and irritation. [Heart #196] STAR-SEARCHER: But why? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, Affirm that imagination cannot form itself without the participation of the heart. Hence, inner or outer creators will be those who have wisely correlated the accumulations with the manifestations of the fires of the heart. [Heart #196] STAR-SEARCHER: Hmmm. EXPERIENCE: Yes, Star Searcher? What is it? STAR-SEARCHER: Well, This knowledge of the heart is illuminating. I was wondering if all this creative positive power can be used in healing oneself? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, You know that the living fire is the most disinfectant remedy, but the nature of fire is the same in all manifestations. The fire of the heart will be a high manifestation of fire. [Heart #255] STAR-SEARCHER: Excuse me for interrupting, but what does that mean? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher. This means that this fire will be the best purifier and protector. [Heart #255] STAR-SEARCHER: Therefore? EXPERIENCE: Therefore, Star Searcher, instead of various dubious and often poisonous antiseptic prescriptions, it is much better not only to have the fires of the hearth, but also to kindle the fires of the heart. It can be proved to what extent the fires of the heart fight serious illness. I affirm that the fire of the heart purifies the densest darkness. [Heart #255] STAR-SEARCHER: Does the hearts fire have other qualities? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher. Along with purification the fire of the heart is impregnated with the qualities of a magnet, and thus it becomes the natural link with the macrocosm. [Heart #255] STAR-SEARCHER: Hmmm. What if a person is ignorant of the fire of the heart. What happens then? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, He who does not think about the inception of the fire of the heart does not know the upward path. He does not want to see it in a radiant light. [Heart #256] STAR-SEARCHER: When should a person apply this fire of the heart? EXPERIENCE: Thank you for asking that question Star Searcher. The accurate application of accurate knowledge for the greatest good is wisdom. STAR-SEARCHER: I like your word accurate. EXPERIENCE: Why is that, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Because it reminds me of my own humility. EXPERIENCE: Humility, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Yes, humility. You see, when I focus on accurateness my memory serves me up the almost infinite number of times that I was inaccurate -- totally or to a degree. EXPERIENCE: I see, Star Searcher. You were reminded of your imperfections. STAR-SEARCHER: Indeed. I am human after all. EXPERIENCE: Tell me now, Star Searcher, will you rest on that? STAR-SEARCHER: On what? I dont understand. EXPERIENCE: On the humanness of your imperfections, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Oh. I get it. No way! When I stepped on this Path of Beauty I committed myself to maximizing my striving for perfection. EXPERIENCE: Well Im glad to hear that, Star Searcher. Now I can continue with my story about when to use the fire of the heart. I am convinced that you will never forget it! STAR-SEARCHER: All right. Lets go for it! EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, A yogi known to you, took the strongest poisons without injury, died because of a slight delay in applying the heart energy. [Heart #375] STAR-SEARCHER: He tried to use the fire of the heart to neutralize the poison? EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. Immunity is contained in the heart. [Heart #375] STAR-SEARCHER: Wait a minute please. When you say he died because of a slight delay in applying the heart energy, that seems to imply that if he was on time in applying the heart energy then he would have been successful in neutralizing the poison! EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher, precisely. STAR-SEARCHER: Precisely? EXPERIENCE: Yes. Do you have a problem with that, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Who me, a problem? No way. EXPERIENCE: Well then, Star Searcher, if there is no problem perhaps I will share with you how it is done? STAR-SEARCHER: How what is done? EXPERIENCE: The timely application of the heart energy, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Please do. EXPERIENCE: You see, Star Searcher, The yogi mentally transfers the poisons to the heart, which dissolves the effects of them while uniting him with the Spatial Fire. But for this it is necessary to awaken the fires of the heart, and you know how much time this demands. Of course, the taking of poison must be gradual. In the case known to you, seven years were necessary for the organism to become accustomed to coordination with the fires of space. Only one minute of delay gave advantage to the power of the poison. One must not delay even for a moment to transfer the consciousness to the heart. [Heart #375] STAR-SEARCHER: Is there a more powerful way to handle things than having to remember to transfer the consciousness to the heart? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, There is no stronger fire than the fire of the heart. [Heart #404] STAR-SEARCHER: Excuse me? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, There is no stronger fire than the fire of the heart. [Heart #404] STAR-SEARCHER: Thank you. You know, you have said that there are many types of fire in the fire of the heart, can you be more specific? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, Among the fires of the heart, the most vivid is the flame of self-sacrifice. Precisely this armor diverts the hostile arrows and creates the renowned invulnerability. [Heart #536] STAR-SEARCHER: Is courage a type of fire of the heart? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, The fire of courage is only a part of the flame of self-sacrifice. [Heart #536] STAR-SEARCHER: Hmmm. EXPERIENCE: Yes Star Searcher, What is it? STAR-SEARCHER: Well, about the fire of self sacrifice, what is it exactly? EXPERIENCE: Good question, Star Searcher! Of course, self-sacrifice does not mean necessarily to offer ourselves as a victim, but it corresponds to the readiness to conquer for the Highest World. [Heart #536] STAR-SEARCHER: You know, something is bothering me about the fires of the heart. EXPERIENCE: Go ahead, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Well, if the fires of the heart are kindled, then do they stay on forever, even if a person strays from the Path of Beauty? EXPERIENCE: Another good question, Star Searcher. One can also notice a decline of the fires upon the slightest deviation from Hierarchy. As a whirlwind extinguishes the torches, the deviation into the abyss of chaos destroys the fire of the heart. [Heart #536] STAR-SEARCHER: Thank you for that. I was very concerned there for a few seconds. EXPERIENCE: Your concern encourages me, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: It does? EXPERIENCE: Yes. It takes much experience on the Path coupled with a fine discernment to come up with a concern on that level of interaction with the Path of Beauty. So keep up the good work. Any more questions or concerns, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Hmm. Yes, is healing enhanced when using the fire of the heart? EXPERIENCE: Actually, Star Searcher, any living fire is a healing one, but no resin can compare with the fire of the heart. [F.W. 1, #15] STAR-SEARCHER: But can the fire of the heart cure serious illness? EXPERIENCE: What did you have in mind, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: You know, like cancer. EXPERIENCE: Indeed, Star Searcher, the bacilli of cancer exist. They can be detected and killed by the fire of the heart. [F.W. 1, #18] STAR-SEARCHER: Really? How? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, If the absence of psychic energy contributes to their growth, then the fire of the heart, being the highest expression of consciousness, destroys them. In fact, everything that is readily consumed by the higher energy can be mitigated also, to a certain extent, by physical fire. [F.W. 1, #18] STAR-SEARCHER: Can some one really use physical fire to heal? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, The roots of many plants contain in themselves potent fires of the vegetable Kingdom and can be useful where the fires of the heart are as yet inactive. [F.W. 1, #18] STAR-SEARCHER: How does the fire of the heart relate to the Fire of Space that I read about in the Agni Yoga Teachings? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, On finding himself beyond the boundaries of the three dimensions even the most cold blooded person will be terrified if his heart is unprepared for the next realization. [F.W. 1, #30] STAR-SEARCHER: Well, I guess the next question is how does one prepare for that next realization? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, One cannot leap from one state to another without a fiery tempering. Thus it is impossible to assimilate the beauty and solemnity of the Subtle World without a timely refinement of the heart. [F.W. 1, #30] STAR-SEARCHER: Could you expand that idea please? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, One can stand insensate in the dark before the most wondrous works of art, but the darkness is within ourselves! And one can kindle the Spatial Fire only by the fire of the heart. [F.W. 1, #30] STAR-SEARCHER: But who is to blame for our darkness? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, It has been said many times that the great Fire is manifested through our hearts. Therefore, let him who remains in darkness blame only himself. But it is terrifying in the darkness of the fourth dimension, and all the succeeding dimensions become hideous nightmares when not illumined by the fire of the heart. [F.W. 1, #30] STAR-SEARCHER: Hmmm. What happens when the fire of the heart kindles the Fire of Space? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, One must realize how the unification of the fire of the heart with the Fire of Space tenses all centers. [F.W. 1, #44] STAR-SEARCHER: Now you definitely have my attention. Can you tell me if there is another way to kindle the fires of the heart? EXPERIENCE: The Teacher rejoices, Star Searcher, when the collective labor is possible. [F.W. 1, #288] STAR-SEARCHER: Collective labor kindles the fire of the heart? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, rejection of collective labor is ignorance. [F.W. 1, #288] STAR-SEARCHER: But! EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, Only a lofty individual finds within itself the measure of collective concepts. So long as the personality fears collective work, it is not yet individualized; it still remains in the stifling atmosphere of selfhood. [F.W. 1, #288] STAR-SEARCHER: OK, but how can we truly accept collective labor in our lives? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, only true discernment of the indestructibility of freedom permits adherence to collective labor. [F.W. 1, #288] STAR-SEARCHER: Freedom? I dont understand. EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, Only through such true mutual respect can we attain the realization of harmonious labor. In other words attain active good. [F.W. 1, #288] STAR-SEARCHER: Oh I see! This has to do with not interfering with the free-will and or karma of others. Thats why freedom is involved. Right? EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. In this good is kindled the fire of the heart; hence each manifestation of harmonious labor is so joyous. Such labor augments the psychic energy unusually. [F.W. 1, #288] STAR-SEARCHER: How does the fire of the heart relate to the maxim that one should practice moderation in all things. EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, Moderation without fire becomes mediocrity, but the Golden Path intensified by Fire is the best exemplification of moderation. Similarly, courage without fire becomes recklessness, but courage resplendent with the fires of the heart becomes an impregnable wall. Indeed, patience, compassion, and friendship will take on different colors in the fiery Light. But only according to action, and through testing, can the Teacher ascertain the degree of fieriness. [F.W. 1, #364] STAR-SEARCHER: But why does the Teacher have to test? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, Words are the least suitable for such assurances. How many words cleanse the thresholds of prisons, but few are the jailers who can boast of being just. Also, how many words are there about patience! Yet the first failure produces the most intolerant cannibals. Of course one need not explain how verbal courage turns into great cowardice. But he who wishes to approach the Fire must watch all his motives. [F. W. 1, #364] STAR-SEARCHER: Is it wise to consistently use the fire of the heart? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, The blessed striving must be called to mind in a human way. How beautiful is it to be constantly aflame! There is no dungeon such that the fire of the heart cannot illumine it. Thus be aflame with beauty! [F.W.1, #410] STAR-SEARCHER: Hmmm. Thank you for that. Tell me now, how does faith relate to the fire of the heart? EXPERIENCE: Faith, Star Searcher, is the realization of Truth, tempered in the fire of the heart. [F.W. 1, #433] STAR-SEARCHER: To realize a truth sounds like an act of discernment to me. EXPERIENCE: You are correct, Star Searcher. The ability to discriminate between the great and the small is forged in the same fire of the heart. [F.W. 1, #509] STAR-SEARCHER: Hmmm. You know we have mentioned gratitude and collective labor as kindlers of the heart. Are there more ways to kindle this fire? EXPERIENCE: Verily, Star Searcher, if magnanimity is found, then love will kindle the fires of the heart. [F.W. 1, #564] STAR-SEARCHER: How about goodness. Surely the fire of the heart must relate to goodness. Right? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, In affirming the sacred Teaching of active good one must ponder how to use ones entire time in the glorification of good. And such glorification will be not only a symbol, it will be the fire of the heart. If we want to advance we must apply active goodness. [F.W. 1, 592] STAR-SEARCHER: Speaking of advancement, how does the Teacher utilize this knowledge of the fires of the heart? EXPERIENCE: How does the Lord discern those who approach him? The answer is, Star Searcher, by the fires of their hearts. If we are astonished by the power of fire that even here envelops us and saturates our garments, then we can understand how supernal is the glow of the fires of the heart along the chain of Hierarchy! [F.W. 1, #618] STAR-SEARCHER: Hmmm. That makes me want to know just what is the greatest kindler of the fire of the heart? EXPERIENCE: Nothing on Earth, Star Searcher, can so kindle the fire of the heart as does love.[F.W. 1, #629] STAR-SEARCHER: Is it permissible to tell what the fire of the heart has to do with knowing God? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, The human heart cannot flourish without striving toward the Origin of Origins -- inexpressible in words, but cognized through the fire of the heart. Thus amidst violated world foundations, let us kindle the fires of the heart and of love for the Supreme. [F.W. 1, #629] STAR-SEARCHER: Can the fire of the heart help us to think clearer? EXPERIENCE: Even in thinking, Star Searcher, one should form the habit of straining thought, so to speak, through the fire of the heart. [F.W. 1, #633] STAR-SEARCHER: How does the fire of the heart relate to the Masters motto Burden me more.? EXPERIENCE: When I say, Burden me more., Star Searcher, I do not deviate from the aforementioned economy of forces. Do not fear burdening, it will only reveal the fires of the heart. Thus should one think upon each action. And thus should one end each advice. [F.W. 1, #647] STAR-SEARCHER: You know that many times you have spoken to me about invincibility, but how does it really work? EXPERIENCE: In all the Teachings, Star Searcher, the dark forces are represented as shooting their arrows at the illumined One. This battle is depicted in beautiful symbols. No less beautifully is it indicated that the malevolent arrows do not reach their target but form a protective net. Let us not regard this heedlessly; this symbol is entirely realistic, even from the viewpoint of modern science. The malevolent flame encounters the great fire of the heart and becomes subservient., only augmenting the Agni of the Great Spirit. Thus, the heart which manifests all its power is invincible. [F.W. 1, #650] STAR-SEARCHER: Ah. Sorry to interrupt here, but something is bothering me about this invincibility. EXPERIENCE: What is it, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Well, with all due respect, are you talking about life on this planet? EXPERIENCE: I take your meaning, Star Searcher. Your wondering if this invincibility happens every time or in degrees, even with an illumined One. Right? STAR-SEARCHER: Well, yes. Discernment teaches that everything is in degrees according to development. EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, In case of retreat, search nearby. [F.W. 1, #650] STAR-SEARCHER: What do you mean? EXPERIENCE: Simply this, Star Searcher. Has the heart maintained all its force? Has not some transitory earthly circumstance interfered? Has not self pity arisen? Did not a quiver of fear overcast the heart? And did not doubt allow clouds to set in? Verily, where the Agni of the heart is not overcast, there can be no defeat. Often it seems to a man that he has reached his limit, but he is deceived by faulty vision, and a large expanse still lies before him, precisely where victory may come. Prematurity leads to misfortune. [F.W. 1, #650] STAR-SEARCHER: I like the way you phrased the idea of someone allowing the fire of the heart to be overcast. Thank you for that. May I ask some more questions? EXPERIENCE: We do have time for a few more questions, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Good! How does friendliness affect the fire of the heart? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, I am so concerned that you should not lose a single opportunity for manifesting friendliness. The best fuel should be preserved for the fire of the heart. The store of friendliness generates true compassion, which is directly opposed to the cruelty of fanaticism. [F.W. 1, #661] STAR-SEARCHER: What happens to the fire of the heart during an encounter with chaos? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, The fire of the heart penetrates through chaos and transmutes it into a useful substance. The laboratory of the heart is powerful, and thought itself must be purified by fire. [F.W. 2, #46] STAR-SEARCHER: You have mentioned the magnetism of the fire of the heart. Will you please give an example of it? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, Among fiery signs there is a particular aptitude for finding needed objects. One has but to think about them, and they draw near, as it were, and are discovered. Already in antiquity it was said -- kindle the torch of the heart and find that which is needed. [F.W. 2, #189] STAR-SEARCHER: But how does that work? EXPERIENCE: The symbol is true enough, Star Searcher, for the fire of the heart kindles surrounding fires and creates a magnetic attraction. Also in books, what is sought can be found by illuminating the book with the same fire. The more such a quality is observed, the more it is developed. The fiery element loves to be noticed. [F.W. 2, #189] STAR-SEARCHER: What are obstacles to the fire of the heart? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, If people only understand the whole power of the heart! Of all the fiery energies this constitutes the greatest potential power. For the magnet of the heart no obstacle exists, because the sun like heart knows how to affirm great action. The sun like heart creates the Cosmic Ordinances and guards the Covenants over an extent of thousands of years. If people would understand that all impediments yield before the powerful fire of the heart! Thus the magnet of the heart creates, and there is no power like this Sun of Suns. Thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World. [F.W. 3, #338] STAR-SEARCHER: Thank you very much for all your help and all your love. EXPERIENCE: Your welcome, Star Searcher. Now lets watch the sunset in silence.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 19:52:29 +0000

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