STAR-SEARCHER & EXPERIENCE#8 WHAT IS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BEAUTY AND THOUGHT? Star-Searcher: How can I know the beauty of the true nature of a person? Experience: To the testing there may be added a question that even a child can be asked. [Leaves of Moryas Garden 2, page 224] Star-Searcher: That sounds like the tool Ive been looking for. What is the question? Experience: What do you consider of the utmost importance right now? [Leaves 2, p 224] Star-Searcher: Why will this question be useful? Experience: Understanding the train of thought, one can recognize the true nature according to the reply. [Leaves 2, p 224] Star-Searcher: Is that the wisest, most co-measured, test to determine the level of consciousness in an individual? Experience: No. There is another test that is considered the wisest test of all. Star-Searcher: Is it hard to apply? Experience: No. It is quite easy to apply, and, when done well, it can be very entertaining. Star-Searcher: Well, that sounds like fun. What is it? Experience: It is the favorite game of Buddha with disciples in moments of relaxation, where in the Teacher threw into space a single word upon which the disciples constructed an entire thought. There is no wiser test of the state of consciousness. [Leaves 2, p 244] Star-Searcher: Thank you. That sure sounds simple and effective. Hmmm. Experience: Yes? Star-Searcher: That test. It really singles out a persons thoughts as an indicator of the level of personal growth on the Path. Experience: Therefore? Star-Searcher: Well it makes the quality of thought the focal point of our progress on the Path of Beauty. Experience: Precisely. Star-Searcher: Perhaps I should be asking you about the importance of thought on the Path of Beauty. Experience: It appears you just learned that, Star Searcher. Star-Searcher: Hmmm. Your right. Maybe I should be asking about the characteristics of thought. Experience: Characteristics, Star Searcher? Star-Searcher: Yes. You know. What is thought, or what are the effects of thought? Experience: OK. Lets take one at a time shall we? Star-Searcher: Wait! Experience: Yes, Star Searcher? Star-Searcher: Ive got it! Experience: Whats that, Star Searcher? Star-Searcher: The question, Ive got it clear in my mind now. Experience: Lets have it, Star Searcher. Star-Searcher: What is the relationship between beauty and thought? Experience: Excellent! Shall we begin? Star-Searcher: Yes. Lets do it! Experience: Shall we begin with the sense of sight? Star-Searcher: Huh? The sense of sight? Experience: Beauty does give pleasure to the senses. Does it not Star Searcher? Star-Searcher: Well yes, but ... . Experience: Theres that but again. Go ahead Star Searcher. Star-Searcher: Are you saying that thoughts have color? Experience: Thoughts do manifest color, Star Searcher. Star-Searcher: They do? Experience: Yes Star Searcher, they do. Star-Searcher: Come on, your kidding me! Experience: Open minded scholars know that by a single fleeting thought the entire aura is physically colored. The thought may seem to be absolutely secret, yet it has in effect a physical color, scientifically ascertained. [Leaves 2, p 214, 215] Star-Searcher: You know, I have seen pictures in books on parapsychology. They were taken with a special type of camera invented by a man named Kirlian. Experience: Yes, Star Searcher. Kirlian photography has been in use for several to many decades now. Perhaps some day it will be used to demonstrate how the ray is physically formed. Star-Searcher: Ray? What ray? Wait a minute, what does a ray have to do with the relationship between beauty and thought? Experience: Thank you for asking, Star Searcher. Star-Searcher: Huh? Experience: There is thought which leads inwardly, leaving the surface of the spirit unruffled, and there is also thought which flies into space as a projectile, carrying an explosive charge. A ray accompanies the flying bullet. Every spirit knows when thought flies like a boomerang. It is especially desirable that the thought be tinted by ones own color. [Leaves 2, p 59] Star-Searcher: It is? How can I tint my thoughts with my own color? Experience: It is only opened nerve centers that do not give color to the thought, leaving it enwrapped in the color of the person; and then true individuality has begun. [Leaves 2, p 59] Star-Searcher: Why is that? Why has true individuality begun only with opened nerve centers? Experience: Instead of the thoughts being colored by its contents, the whole sending is permeated by the color of the individuality. Thus is the ray physically formed. [Leaves 2, p 59] Star-Searcher: Do you mean that a thought in space can indicate its author by its color? Experience: The presence of inner spirituality illumines the thought by the color of the aura, but if the thought is a base one it burns under the ray. Thus there results not only a testing of thought, but also a disinfection of space. [Leaves 2, p 78, 79] Star-Searcher: Do any nerve centers open by themselves like flowers in the sun, or do I have to do something to open them? Experience: What cleanses the spirit more thoroughly than the thoughts about the welfare of others? The hypocrisy of thoughts is an obstacle to the attainment of communion in spirit. ... Achievement is born of pure thoughts. One has to remember this. One must avoid confused thoughts. [Leaves 2, p 181,183] Star-Searcher: But ... . Experience: One may imagine, [Star Searcher], how a ray penetrates the space and finds wonderful treasures as well as little red and orange fires, which are like criminal poisoners. Why then not purify the layers above earth, even to the eye they are of a smoky orange color? [Leaves 2, p 79-80] Star-Searcher: But how did you know I was going to ask that type of question? Ah thats right. You have known many travelers on this Path of Beauty, and our questions must sound similar after a while. Experience: Precisely. Star-Searcher: But, still, all this talk about infection and space has me a bit uncomfortable. Is it really true? Can space be infected? Experience: Someday you will demonstrate it to yourself, Star Searcher. Star-Searcher: But in the mean time what is the best disinfectant? Experience: The best thing is to destroy the germs of base thoughts, which are more infectious than all diseases. One should be careful not so much about uttered words as about thoughts. During one word ten thoughts are born. [Leaves 2, p 79-80] Star-Searcher: Really now, does a person have to be that careful about thoughts? Experience: Actually, thought creates beyond the earthly limits. Therefore, learn to govern the thoughts. [Leaves 2, p 134] Star-Searcher: So thoughts really are things after all, even the subtle thoughts. Experience: The sower of thought gathers the harvest. [Leaves 2, p 142] Star-Searcher: Well, just how careful must I be about my thoughts? Experience: I urge you to sharpen thought like a sword. [Leaves 2, p 161] Star-Searcher: If all this is true about thoughts, then I can just imagine the kind of thoughts I think when I am sad. You know what I mean? Experience: Gloom, [Star Searcher], can be dispersed by changing the direction of thoughts. Not words but the runners of thought weave the aura. [Leaves 2, p 98] Star-Searcher: But surely a small thought isnt going to be of any harm. Is it? Experience: Expel small thoughts, they are stifling to Us, [The Hierarchy Of Light]. [Leaves 2, p 120] Star-Searcher: Well, if small thoughts are non-beneficial, and I am not a super genius, then what kind of thoughts are best for me to think? Experience: One must think about the world and manifest practical thoughts. [Leaves 2, p 98] Star-Searcher: Can you explain that a bit more please? Experience: Each useful thought finds approval. A stroke upon the string calls forth a consonance. A clear and courageous formulation of thought is very useful. [Leaves 2, p 70] Star-Searcher: Please tell me more about this. Is there any particular way that is best to think about the world, in order to manifest practical thoughts? Experience: ... Emphasize the beauty of the firmament and link it with thoughts about the future. [Leaves 2, p 181-183] Star-Searcher: Thanks. That sounds pretty easy to do right? Experience: Learn it well Star Searcher, learn it well.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 19:59:04 +0000

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