STAR-WISE UPDATE 2 November 2013 And here we are in November! - TopicsExpress


STAR-WISE UPDATE 2 November 2013 And here we are in November! Its been a big two years of unprecedented changes in our personal lives as well as on a global level, and still the ride continues…. However, as it now becomes more familiar and more acceptable to expect the unexpected – we can start to see the pattern of ownership and responsibility emerging. Change is inevitable, but the more we resist it the harder our lives become. We know we need to move forward, but still the familiarity of old ways of being can draw us back. But once we discover within ourselves that these old patterns and ways do not serve our highest good, it is so easy to let go and allow ourselves to BE. This month we have a lot of planetary activity designed to show who we can be, if we honour what we feel and know makes us truly happy. It is always easy to look externally at what does not bring contentment and peace into your life. Issues with work, partners, family, neighbourhoods etc, are all there to act as reflectors and signposts for us, as to what the results of our own discontent with our inner selves looks like on the outside. You can change your job or your partner a million times, and you can move house, disown your family and find a whole new bunch of friends, but none of these changes will bring you any peace and happiness until you look at what it is within YOU that has attracted such people and things to you in the first place. All is learning and your life is a journey, and the best piece of equipment you need for this is a heart focussed on honouring YOU and YOUR personal happiness and peace. The New Moon in Scorpio on 4 November coincides with a Solar Eclipse. The combination of these energies is like the phoenix rising from the ashes. A new YOU is emerging, and that new direction is becoming very clear. Scorpio energy forces us to go within, to look at not only our darkness and fears, but also into what our heart truly desires so as the head and the body can manifest this for us. We are then able to enter a permanent perspective of self-mastery through self-love. Neptune will turn Direct on 14 November, clearing our illusions and vision so as we can connect fully with that new direction. And with Mercury also turning Direct on 11 November, we have the communication skills, the concrete thought patterns and the intent all on the same page. The most significant planetary movement that I feel will really permeate and solidify every part of our being is the move of Venus out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn. For the first time in 200 years Venus will stay in a sign for approximately 4 months (rather than her usual stay of around 4 weeks). Venus is the planet of love and beauty, and she is the energy of the divine feminine in us all – male and female alike. When she merges with the practical, hard-working and ambitious energy of Capricorn we will have no choice but to work from the heart and soul of ourselves. She will enable us to make concrete foundations deep within ourselves that will stop us from slipping back into old outgrown ways, and from here we can rebuild on a foundation of unconditional self-love and self-belief. Do not however think that all will be fluffy clouds, roses and tranquillity during this time, as the power of the Feminine infused with ruthless Capricorn, WILL stand up and be heard and fight if she has too. The intent from which this comes is of the heart and therefore, however disruptive and life challenging this may be, it WILL change your life in positive and fortuitous ways and undoubtedly be for the highest good of ALL concerned. Blessings xox
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 19:44:34 +0000

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