START A CAREER IN ALL NATURAL AND ORGANIC ESSENTIAL OILS Work from Your Home with a Global Company What are Essential Oils? An essential oil is a natural oil typically obtained by distillation. Typically it has the characteristic fragrance of the plant or other source from which it is extracted. Essential oils contain the true essences of the plants from which they were derived. Essential oils are highly concentrated and a little bit goes a long way. What do Essential Oils Do? Any time you hold a small bottle of an essential oil, you are holding a powerful, pure essence of a health-promoting botanical. These essential oils can be diffused, inhaled, applied topically, incorporated into massage, or taken internally. Essential oils are excellent promoters for your health. They inspire a positive emotional state. They enhance your physical wellness. They purify your home. They refine your skin. And they create deep spiritual awareness. What does this have to do with me? I work from home with Young Living, a 20-year-old network marketing company that permits you to discover lifelong wellness. Young Living is at the intersection of cutting-edge research and traditional wisdom. The company’s wellness solutions empower you to dodge harmful chemicals, energize your life, ditch stress and negativity, and reclaim your natural radiance. Watch this Short Video to learn more about Young Living! To learn more about Young Living, watch this short YouTube video: tinyurl/YLEOvideo I help others to discover their lifelong wellness by choosing and using our All Natural and Organic Essential Oils. These oils provide balance in one’s life from mental health and emotional wellness to stress relief and sleep solutions. You can incorporate essential oils easily into your daily life helping you to find that balance in your life and inner serenity that you desire. Essential Oils are an essential part of my life now and have helped me and some friends of mine. Lavender: Has helped me to fall asleep faster when I use it, It is also good for chapped skin/lips. I use it for those Itchy “Allergy Eyes” and rub a drpo or tow under each eye for almost instant relief. Stress Away: As the name says it helps to relax and melt away the stress of every day things, I have used it many times after a frustrating day at work. A 22 year old co-worker of mine uses it to help reduce his anxiety attacks and having used it he hasnt had an attack within the first three weeks of using it. Peppermint is great for a headache. Just use One to two drops on the temples and within a short time the headache is gone... I also use it for upset stomach. Rub a few drops on your stomach and it helps to ease the stomach problems. You can help others and create an income from home, too! If taking charge of your life’s health and wellness, helping others to take charge of their life’s health and wellness; and creating an extra income from home are something that interests you, then send me a message. [email protected] Start a new career by creating a new income from home. You CAN DO IT by choosing, using and showing others how to discover their lifelong wellness with Young Living All Natural and Organic Essential Oils Let’s build our businesses together! Im looking to expand my organization throughout these countries: USA, UK, Mexico, The Caribbean Islands, Germany, Czech Republic, and Australia. If interested and your country is not on the short list I’ve given, then simply ask if we are in your country of origin. One final word in closing, how would you like to work for a company in a BILLION dollar industry? Yes, thats what I said, a BILLION dollar industry with a “B.” Young Living is the largest and first business of its kind!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 04:15:26 +0000

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