START A HEALTHY TRAINING PROGRAMME NOW….BUILD THE HABIT TO EAT RIGHT AND EXERCISE RIGHT…. PART FOURTEEN The Fourth key to healthy livin is obeying the law of controlled consumption- Eat little..that way u will be around to eat a lot…..the surest way to cut down an animal’s life span is to cut down on the amount of food it eats… in a research with three groups of rats… group ate as it wanted, a second group had its food intake cut by 60 percent..and the third group was able to eat as much as it wanted but its protein intake cut by half…about 810 days after, only 13 percent of the first group survive, of the second group whose food was cut by 60 percent . 97 percent survive, of the third group where food consumption remained high but protein intake was cut, in half- 50 percent survived…so the message is clear, eat long The Fifth key to healthy livin is obeying the principle of effective fruit combination..fruit is the most perfect food to take…it takes the least energy to digest and gives ur body the most in return..the only food ur brain can work on is fructose…ur fruit contains glucose which can easily be converted to glucose…and its 90-95 percent water….that means it is cleansin and nurturing at the same time… The only problem wit fruit is that most people don’t know how to eat it in a way that allows the body to effective use the nutrients…u must always eat fruit on an empty stomach..because fruit is not primarily digested in the stomach….it is digested in the small intestine… fruit is designed to go right through the stomach in a few minutes and into the intestines where it releases sugar…..but if there is meat or potatoes or starch in the stomach, the fruit gets trapped there and begins to ferment…the best kind of fruit is fresh fruit or freshly squeezed fruit juice…..drinkin fruit from a can or glass container is not always good as much of the time the juice had been heated in the sealing proces and its structure has become acidic… …..fruit is the finest food u can take to protect urself from heart disease..fruit contains bioflavinoids which keep blood from thickening ang pluggin up the arteries…it strengthens the capillaries, and weak capillaries often lead to internal bleeding or heart attack When u wake up and for as long into the day as is comfortably possible, eat nothing but fresh fruit or freshly squeezed fruit juice…..keep this commitment untill at least twelve noon each day….the longer u can go wit just fruit in ur body, it gives the greater the opportunity for ur body to cleanse itself…..try it for next ten days and see for urself TO CONT
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:23:43 +0000

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