STARTING OF ISLAMIC MONTH USING ASTRONOMY OR “SHARIAH LAW” - RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS Start your fasting (for the month of Ramadan) after observing the (new) moon and celebrate the “Eid” after observing the (new) moon, and if the sky is cloudy then fast another day till 30 days are completed”. (Hadees) The beginning of an Islamic month can only be considered after an actual moon sighting or by the guidelines established by the FUQHA (Islamic Jurists) in the light of The Holy Quran and Blessed Ahaadees for the approval of moon sighting by testimony. The preparation of a calendar based on astronomical calculations in advance cannot be sufficient for Fasting or the celebration of both Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Adha. Let us examine the guidelines of a calendar based on astronomical calculation by the fiqh council of ISNA. The principle on which a calendar of Islamic months starts has two very important considerations: 1) Sighting the Hilal (ruyah) is not an act of ibadah in itself; it is rather a means to know with certainty about the beginning of the new month related to Islamic Ibadah. If it was assumed that attempting to observe a new moon is not “IBADAH” at all, then it would be a gross ignorance of “IJMAA UMMAT”, (Unanimous Agreement), and would be absolutely wrong. The books on “FIQAH”, (Islamic Jurisprudence), states, that attempts to observe the moon, for the five months, of “SHABAN”, RAMZAN”, “SHAWWAL”, “ZE-QAADAH”, and “ZE AL-HAJJ”, is a “WAJIB KIFAYAH”. (The Arabic word, “WAJIB KIFAYAH”, means the duty of the whole society, but if performed by the few, it would be sufficient.) If it is meant that it is not an “IBADAH MAQSOODAH” (ibadah itself), but it is an “IBADAH GHAIR MUQSOODAH” (an ibadah that is a source of other ibadah), then it is correct. However, the objective would be wrong which seems to be in eliminating the system of moon sighting ‘if it is done’ will not be a problem, as it is not an act of Ibadah. This is also a very non-welcoming objective, as this can take someone to the position that he can say: discard, the rulings of performance of “WAZU”, (Ablution), “GHUSL”, (Take Bath), “TAYAM-MUM”, (To get purification with clean sand or earth where water is not available), etc, as they are in the category of the “IBADAH GHAIR MUQSOODAH”. 2) The second reasoning being given is that; what ‘Rasool-ullah Syeduna Muhammad Mustafa Sallal Allahu Alaiyhay wa Sallam, has mentioned about ignoring the calculations, and to start the month after the sighting of the New Moon’ a wrong rather blasphemous statement is being given that in those days the Ummah (sahaba) was illiterate and did not know how to write and calculate, and there was no calculations available to determine the new moon, but now we are in better position in writing and calculating, and the astronomical calculations are so advance, therefore they should be accepted and depended upon. This point of view is definitely not correct. In reality, it is a new innovative interpretation of the above quoted Hadees. Both the “MUHADESEEN”, (Scholars of Hadees), and “FUQHA”, (Islamic Jurisprudence Experts), have categorically emphasized, that as far as the sighting of the moon is concerned no mathematical calculations will be depended upon. This opinion is based on the Verdict given by none other than the Rasool Allah Sallal Allahu Alaiyhay wa Sallam, rejecting the Astronomical Calculations. (The details of this Verdict and its references are available on the “ISNA”, website, (first ten pages), in the article of Doctor Zulfiqar Ali Shah). The Hadees is: We are Ummi nation, we do not write or read either, and the month is of 29 days, if it is cloudy that you cannot see the new moon then complete 30 days. To translate the wording of mentioned Hadees “Ummi” as “illiterate” or “ignorant” is absolutely wrong and insulting interpretation. In order to understand the meaning of the word “UMMI’ it is necessary to refer to the explanations given in the books of “Tafseer”, (Commentary on Holy Quran), such as “TAFSEER IBNE KASEER”, and “TAFSEER QURTABI” for the Surah Juma/verse2 The meanings of the passage “LA NAKTUBU WA LA NAHSIBU”, as being assumed that: “We neither know how to write nor calculate”, are wrong according to the Arabic Grammar. Its actual meanings are: “We neither write nor make calculations”. The interpretation of this Hadees, therefore, is that we Muslims do not depend like other nations on the calculations for the new moon and start of the month. We do it in a simple and understandable method: Start the month by observing the new moon on 29th day, and if it is not sighted then take that month as of 30 days. If it is assumed that Rasoolullah Sallallaho alaihi wasallam was unaware of astronomical calculations, then how did he say that the month is 29 days, and if the moon is sighted then complete 30 days. That means he was fully aware of the circulation of the moon around the earth and of calculating its rotation. This means that the Blessed personality of the Rasool Allah Sallal Allahu Alaiyhay wa Sallam had the full knowledge as bestowed on his Blessed Personality by Allah Taala of the ‘conjunction of moon between sun and earth’, and the fact that the new moon cannot be generated before 27th or 28th day of the lunar month, thus it cannot be sighted any where in the world before 29th of the month. The later details will provide evidence of his knowledge in this respect. Modern astronomical interpretations support his established norm that the Lunar months have either 29 days or 30 days. He made the statement about moon sighting only for 29th, and if the moon is not sighted then the start of the next month after completion of 30 days is the only way, which is mentioned in Hadees. That also tells us that he had full knowledge of astronomical calculations, because if he was unaware of it, he might have said that don’t fast until you see the moon, no matter on 29th, 30th, 31st, or 32nd or after that. That means this Hadees limits the lunar month between 29th and 30th, and Modern Astronomy does the same. The statement that when we depend and rely on calculations, regarding the timing of prayers, the direction of the “QIBLAH”, and the timings of the “SAHAR”, and “IFTAR”, then why should we not accept and adopt these Calculations, where there is no specific prohibition in the “Shariah” for their use, is unhealthy argument. It should be clearly understood that the Rules established for the determination of the direction of “QIBLAH” and the timings of the Sunrise and Sunset are in vogue for centuries. Secondly, the “SHARIYAH” never denied them. Therefore, they are in acceptance and no dispute has ever risen towards their authenticity. On the contrary, there is no definite astronomical calculation yet available to definitely establish the start of the Islamic months. Whatever is being presented is based on few years of OBSERVATION, ESTIMATION AND DEDUCTION. Astronomy provides set rules and regulations for the establishment of the direction of the “QIBLAH”, timings of different “SALAT”, but has never provided any rules for the appearance of the moon. It should also be noticed that there is no consideration for the lunar months in astronomical calculations, and unfortunately, no one has yet established a foolproof method for the prediction of the appearance of the moon. The famous “Ptolemy”, who was a Geographer and an Astronomer, who flourished in Alexandria, approximately 130 AD, talked about the appearance and disappearance of the planets and stars but never mentioned anything about the appearance of the moon in his book titled “ALMAGEST” (an encyclopedic work of 13 books on the motion of the Sun, Moon, and planets). Muslim scientists have carried out some investigations about the appearance of the moon or “ROOYAT HILAL”, utilizing Astronomy. They cannot be categorized as set rules or formulas, but can be termed as deductions and estimations only, not definitely as final astronomical calculations. For example, the new moon until it achieves the age of between 18 and 24 hours, cannot be sighted. There is no guarantee that it will be sighted even after achieving this age. For example according to this same calculation, the new moon for the coming Eid, will be of an age of 20 hours on the West Coast on 22nd of October 2006 but will still be not seen. Refer to “moonsighting”. According to another calculation, it is necessary for the moon to attain the age of between 20 to 30 hours to be seen. This indicates that Astronomy can predict the time of the birth of a new moon, but is not able to predict when it will be sighted. It is interesting that the “FIQAH COUNCIL” of “ISNA” has placed the start of the Islamic months, (Lunar months) on the appearance of the moon only, not on the birth of the moon. The birth of the new moon is based on astronomical calculations but the appearance of the new moon is not based on any formula or perfect calculation. Please refer moonsighting for details. Please look at the principle, which the “FIQAH COUNCIL”, has accepted for the appearance of the moon. For example the day on which according to the GMT(Greanwich Mean Time) if the moon is born before 12 p.m. the new lunar month will start after sunset in North America. The reason given is that if the moon could not be sighted in North America, (for example on 22nd September 2006 the new moon will definitely be not sighted in America), but before the end of the night in North America the moon will be sighted somewhere else in the world, because it would have by then, achieved, enough age to be visible elsewhere if there is no hindrance in its sighting. If the start of the Lunar month is based on the generation of the moon, according to Astronomy, then it could be said that this process is based on astronomical calculations, in which case the start of the Islamic month will not be after sunset, (which is the Islamic concept of starting new months) but instead the Lunar month should start according to International Time (GMT) at 12 p.m. or at the time when it will be generated, and if the start of the lunar month is based on the appearance of new moon then it has no basis for astronomical calculations. It should also be noticed that if the moon is sighted anywhere in the world it would be considered for other places where the moon has not been sighted only after it is proven that the moon was sighted and not on the possibility of a moon sighting. The details for the application, according to the SHARIA”, for the sighting of the moon and its proof based on prescribed qualified witnesses and testimony has been presented in the various books on “FIQAH”. Some of the dissenters refer to the book written by Imam Subki Shafayee, where he probably opinioned that credence should be given to astronomical calculations. The “SHAFAYEE FUQHA” after an investigation have categorically rejected it, and said that it is against the Hadees and established Opinions in this regard. The scholars involved in this opinion are Allamah Ibn Abideen Shamee, who has written in the book titled “RADD UL-MUHTAR”, that Imam Shahab Ramlee has mentioned that the opinion of Allamah SUBKI cannot be accepted, as it has been rejected by later scholars, with the reason that The Hadees has totally rejected the calculations about the starting of new the Islamic month. A reference provided from the writings of some scholars is, that: “If the sighting of the moon is impossible according to calculations, then if two witnesses appear and testify to the sighting of the moon then their testimony would be rejected based on the same astronomical calculation”, that means astronomical calculations are reliable in Shariah. This is the desired conclusion of the above mentioned reference. Actually this is in such case, for example, if the month of Shabaan was started after the sighting of the moon but if such witnesses appeared on the 27th or 28th day of Shaban, then their testimony would be rejected, because it is impossible to sight the moon before 29th as it is an established rule of Sharia by Hadees, and no testimony can be acceptable if it is not possible. The issue here is not that the calculations should be rejected in all respects, but is, what to do?, if the moon is not sighted on the 29th, and according to the astronomical calculations its age is more than 20 hours, then will 30 days be accepted or will it be the start the next month according to the calculations. The Hadees has given us the instructions for the completion of 30 days, and the entire UMMAH has rejected the second interpretation that is to start the month based on calculations. If calculations only, are accepted, and a calendar is prepared indicating the calculated dates for both the starting and finishing of the month of Ramadan, and celebration of Eid, then the need for the “ROOYAT SYSTEM” and entire “WITNESS SYSTEM” will be terminated. For example if the new moon is not sighted in all of North America on the astronomically calculated date, and instead it achieved the age at International Date line (which is in the Pacific Ocean where no one lives) it can be sighted there or elsewhere in the world before the end of the night in North America, then it will be accepted in America only after it is proved in America under the rulings of Shariah. It seems that a calculated and planned attempt is being made to refute and ignore the entire system established both for the Sighting and Presentation of the Testimony for the sighting under prescribed rules. The argument, that by accepting only the calculations, celebrating the Eid for the sake of demonstrating the ‘UNITY OF THE UMMAH’, cannot be justified, if there is complete ignorance of the instructions given by the Holy Messenger of Allah, Sallallahu Alaiyhay wa Sallam, In the present case, it seems, that members of an individual Organization, and its “FIQAH COUNCIL”, whose make up and qualifications, -both technical and religious- of the members is unknown, is trying to impose its decision on the “UMMAH”, ignoring the instructions and practices being followed, since the advent of Islam. Can it be counted as an effort to unite the UMMAH or to innovate something in the ISLAM? Rasool Allah Sallal Allahu Alaiyhay wa Sallam has mentioned: ‘SHARRUL UMOORI MUHDASATUHA”, “Bad things are those which have been created new (innovated)”. He also mentioned: “MAN AHDASA FE AMRINA HAZA MA LAISA MINHU FA HUWA RADDUN”. “Whosever attempts an innovation in our DEEN will be categorically rejected on him”. It is concluded that an unpleasant situation is being developed if according to this calculation the ‘Eid ul-Fitr’, will be on 23rd October 2006. If the moon is not sighted on 22nd October, 2006, (which will not be, because of it not being able to attain the required age according to the astronomical calculation to be sighted) then according to all the “FUQHA” of the Ummah Fasting on 23rd October will be an Obligation and celebration of the Eid on that day will be Haram. It is interesting to note that the Moon was not sighted as predicted by such people in North America and the month of Ramadan was started by them despite the fact that it was the 28th day of the month of SHABAN 1427 A.H.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 18:56:59 +0000

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