STATE OF CONFLICT. Conflict starts in us when a pain too big to - TopicsExpress


STATE OF CONFLICT. Conflict starts in us when a pain too big to be consciously encountered without dying intrudes our system. This pain is repressed below the conscious level and remains in us as an unresolved pain-memory, calling for a resolution. This keeps our organism in a state of permanent alert. This pain, too big to be consciously encountered, splits our psyche, between conscious and unconscious. It is the origin of conflict in the world. This inner split disconnects us from Realitys essence which, as we know, is not splitable. Cognitively disconnected from BEING or Reality in us, we find a shelter into identification with our thoughts which are limited constructions and therefore are conflictable, inflammable. This inner split which is the origin of conflict, eventually spills over onto the world, generating all our later external conflicts among humans as well as between humans and Nature. When you are disconnected from Reality in you, you are also disconnected from Reality around you yet, you dont even realize it. You dont know how much you can hurt people and Nature. You are feelingly blind and need big figures and numbers for your brain to size the damage you cause, and even then usually you remain unable to right the mess your insensitivity generates... just look around.. The solution to this predicament cannot be found in identification with thoughts which is but a symptom to our inner split and the conflict it generates. And our thought-systems, no matter how peaceful they may pretend to be, usually spread even more conflict and more violence. No, forget your ideologies they already showed how much they are nuts. The solution lays in the return to BEING in us, also called Natura in latin. Indeed, BEING, or Natura, is the level in us where we ARE Nature, where we ARE the indivisible Reality, and from which we naturally stop hurting Nature around us. Today, the IPCC tells us that if we do not bring our CO2 emissions to 50% of what they were in 1990 and this before 2020, well create an unlivable world. Yet, we continue nonetheless, and blindly, increasing our CO2 emissions year after year, as if we were deaf to what the experts say. If we were back to BEING within us we would right away priviledge Natures balance to our little disconnected comfort and our stupid fights and wars. Yet, our inner conflict is driving us, taking us towards the abyss on its burning chariot. Patrick Ali Pahlavi
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:48:37 +0000

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