STATE OF THE NATION- MY CONTRIBUTION As things are currently - TopicsExpress


STATE OF THE NATION- MY CONTRIBUTION As things are currently going on, Nigeria nation is a on a brink of collapsing unless Allah SWT brings His intervention & den we rise to face our challenges squarely without trading blames on each other. So many conspiracy theories exists today; -D southerners bliv dat it is a northern plot to wrest power 4rm dem d so called born-to-rule - D northeners bliv dat it is a southern plot to kill northerners and outnumber dem - D leadership of CAN bliv dat is a muslim plan to islamise Nigeria - Another theory says it is a CIA covert operation to disintegrate Nigeria -D ruling party blames d opposition for fueling d crisis -D western nations says dat it is a slow response of d federal govt - D govs of d affected states bliv it is d incapacity of d military - D opposition parties bliv is d incompetance of d president - Some northerners bliv it is a Biafran counter-attacks of northerners upon deir massacre in 19760s civil war - D soldiers bliv it is d fault of senior military officers And list goes on..... Lest I 4gt, d president & his cronies thinks dat it is to stop him 4rm contesting d 2015 general election since he comes 4rm d minority and recently as a global terrorist agenda of alqaida. Watever d case maybe, one fact remains dat everybody condemn d activity of d sect (at least outwardly) and nobody is immune to its impacts. In d words of 19th centuary American industrialist Henry Ford when he says Dont find a fault, Find a remedy so lets attempt to find a solution to d problem. 1- Muslims We muslims shd repent over our sins, pray to Allah SWT to rescue us 4rm dis calamity continue saying HASBUNALLAHU WA NIIMAL WAKIL dat is wat saved prophet Abraham 4rm fire, it is d supplication dat our Prophet Mohammad SAW made at his first ever battle against infidels at Badr Lets kip on saying INNALILLAHI WA INNA ILAIHIR RAJIUN, ALLUMMA AJIRNI FI MUSIBATI WAKHLUFNI KHAIRAN MINHA D like of LA ILAHA ILLA ANTAS SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINAZZALIMIN Den YA HAYYU YA KAYYUM BI RAHMATIKA NASTAGITH and similar supplications 2- Northerners We shd all support d citizens of d afflicted states both financially and wit our energies to strenghenthen d civilian JTFs wic will in turn work hand-in-hand wit d soldiers to fish-out d insurgents. D activities of civilian JTF is very commendable as dey hv succeeded in sending insurgents out of towns and cities, hence concentrating in d Sambisa forest and outskirts of d towns 3-Military D military shd work closely and intelligently wit d western allied forces to crush d insurgents in d Sambisa forest and ensuring dat no civilian life is lost. Diplomatic strategies shd b undergone to rescue d nw famous Chibok-girls b4 launching d offensiv 4- Federal Govt - D president shd show sensitivity to d citizens of d nation, knw dat all Nigerians are same and equal, and not some citizens being more equal dan others in d words of George Orwell in Animal Farm. He shd visit d places afflicted by d crisis, console d ppl and ensure dat d funds budgeted for security reached d desired places 4- CAN D leadership of CAN shd turn back to d teachings of christianity and shd knw dat wyl d president meks church pulpits as a place for taking presidential decisions and supporting pastors in buying private jets dat doesnt translate to gud leadership as so many christians are being attacked courtesy of presidents negligence and incompetence. 5-Southerners D southerners shd knw dat dey are nt immune to dis insurgents problem as only God knws wen and how it is going to end up. Let d southerners knw dat northerners are nt deir enermies neither are dey oppose to southern leadership as northerners made Nnamdi Azikwe as d first ever Nigerias president, it is also same northerners dt single-handedly supported Obj for his 1st and 2nd regimes in 1976 and 1999 respectively,even Gejs 2011 campaign co-ordinator was a northerner(although against d wish of most northerners for violating d zoning principle), so if d southerners nid to retain power, d northerners will b ready to support dem provided dey provide a credible and competent representative. 6- SSS and other security forces. Wit a lot of suspected insurgents in captivity, d security officials shd compel d captives to tell deir sponsors and financiers and shd be executed no matter how highly placed such individuals are. 7-Northern elders and leaders D northern elders shd b careful in deir utterences and shd b counselling d youths on devastating impacts of dis crisis. All northern leaders shd show concern on deir citizens and initiate activities dat will eliminate d menace and not wasting tym on trading blames. Nothing has been done so far by d sultan and other traditional rulers in d region as is d case wit d leaders 4rm d VP to d senate president to d speaker and d govs. 8-Islamic preachers All islamic scholars shd do deir utmost best in preaching d authentic doctrines of islam free from innovations and distortions 9-Opposition parties Leaders of d opposition shd stop trying to earn cheap political points wit d crisis, dey shd rather sit and propose a lasting solution to d crisis wyl trying to gain popularity wic dey could use in campaigning for d next general election if d current leadership fails to counter d issue. Finally, d issue of dis insurgency shd b regarded as a collectiv responsibility as all hands must be on deck to provide a lasting solution to dis common enermies of ours. I will conclude wit d words of Abraham Lincoln dat A house divided against itself can not stand May Allah SWT help Nigeria
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 16:40:44 +0000

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