STATE OF THE NATION Distinguish Guest here present, My fellow - TopicsExpress


STATE OF THE NATION Distinguish Guest here present, My fellow Compatriots, Gentlemen of the Press, Ladies and Gentlemen BEIGN TEXT OF A PRESS CONFERENCE ADDRESSED BY CHAIRMAN OF UNITED NIGERIA GROUP ON STATE OF THE NATION ON WEDNESDAY 17TH JULY, 2013 IN ABUJA Let me commence this address with our profound appreciation, on behalf of the entire members of this group, with the privilege of your presence here today. We are indeed very grateful. Every facet of our National life is currently grounded with the ugly happenings in our country; the situation has reached a deplorable stage that it is threatening to rubbish our hard-earned democracy. This situation if not checked is capable of igniting chaos with the potentials of dividing the country along ethnic, religious and other chauvinistic lines. As patriots, we view these happenings as callous, unwarranted and uncalled for. For too long have we been kicked around by politicians who think that the only way they can continue to oil their wheels of self aggrandizement is to keep us divided using ethnic, religious and regional differences. We will be failing in our responsibilities as citizens should we allow the unfolding ugly trend to continue. No doubt also, it would mean we have let down the spirit of our forefathers who labored hard to bring the country together. We may wish to refresh our memories to the sacrifices of our patriotic citizens in bringing this hard earned democracy to reality. Various degrees of injuries ranging from detentions, bodily harms, loss of means of livelihood and even the ultimate price of loss of lives were sustained in the process. To allow some political opportunists, who rode on the back of people’s sacrifices to gain political office, relevance and popularity rubbish it, even when they did not suffer to enthrone or contributed to the system, will be a total abdication of our responsibilities as citizens. We cannot and will not wait for them to transform the current abuse of office into a state of dictatorship and anarchy. Our democracy which is enshrined on the principles of separation of powers has been torn to shreds at the Local, State and Federal levels, with institutions supporting our continued democratization heading for a collapse all in the name of self interest, abuse of office, misuse of power, disrespect for constitutionalism, ethnicity, religious fundamentalism and corruption. Our security system is in comatose with military providing security in states across the country. It is such that people, both civilians and security personnel, are killed daily with impunity without commensurate strategy intervention aimed at containing the ugly scenario by our government. No speedy compensations for their families as they are left in deplorable conditions, no known action to ensure that the perpetrators of these heinous crimes are brought to justice. Is it that our lives are worthless or are we going to stand by and watch them sacrifice innocent souls on the altar of politicking? Our institutions of higher learning has remained epileptic with lecturers embarking on strikes as a result of government’s irresponsible attitude of reneging on negotiated agreement; leaving parents, students and lecturers in poor shape with attendant consequences on the quality of our educational system and development. Our country’s unemployment level has hit the roof as no rational statistician can give you accurate figure on the ugly situation. What nobody can dispute however is the calamitous level it has reached. We cannot afford educating people in their millions only for them to end up roaming the streets in search of non-existing jobs. All the promises of engagement and palliatives have remained a charade and at best political patronage of politicians at Federal and State levels. Our country is today viewed among the comity of nations with disdain because of our government’s reception and fraternity with corruption and outright criminality. Our citizens cannot hold their heads high among their peers from other countries because we are regarded as criminals and scavengers. Yet, our government is busy causing further division among our citizens in the name of power struggle, and also pardoning convicted kleptomaniacs which further reaffirms the perception of international community on the government’s culpability in cases of grand corruption all over the country. Our government’s performances in the area of infrastructure enhancement have remained abysmal. Light has not only become a luxury but a tall order. The government has privatized power supply and what we have is consistent and unjustifiable increment in tariff while electricity supply continues in the decrease. Our roads remain death traps and annual allocations disappear on road maintenance and construction without justification. Not to mention our public hospitals which are in bad shapes and serving as mortuaries to the less privileged and the privileged ones seeking remedy to common ailments abroad. The responsibilities as contained in the oath sworn to by the President and his lieutenant have been woefully abdicated and abused, the ship is sinking at a speed unprecedented in this country. There are numerous impeachable offences this President has committed which we are sure our legislators know, chief among of course is his inability to protect the sanctity of our nation’s constitution which guarantees the security of lives; the primary essence of government. The judiciary, until lately, became a party in the undemocratic and constitutional breaches of political office holders. The National Assembly is failing its oversight duty and in some cases partners in violations of its enactment and budgetary laws by the executive. In keeping with the harsh realities facing us in this country and its attendant consequences on our citizens, we will look for solutions; as democrat we intend to follow a democratic means to solve the problem and that is by asking our legislators to commence possible impeachment proceedings against the President, to relief him of the onerous task of leading the nation which in any case he has failed. We have commenced consultations towards compilation of breaches, crimes, violations and atrocities of this government, for onward transmission to the chambers of both the Senate and the House of Representatives via PEACEFUL demonstrations. At this juncture, We would want to make it abundantly clear to our legislators that failure to heed our call for the impeachment of the President we would be left with no option but to treat them as accomplices which would merit the same treatment for failing the nation. DEMANDS: • Accordingly, we are calling on all citizens to get mobilized to commence peaceful demonstrations starting from next Wednesday 24th July 2013 to register our protest on state of the Nation. • There would be a grand peaceful match to commence from Julius Berger Junction at 10 o’clock and terminate in the Legislative arm. • The impasse with the Lecturers in tertiary institutions to be resolved with immediate effect. • Immediate payment of approved compensation to be paid without further delay to the families of slain youth Corp members in the post 2011 elections violence and security personnel killed in Nassarawa State. • Immediate stoppage to the political brigandage witnessed in River State. • Improved oversight function of parliamentarians to guarantee democratic consolidation and economic development. • Increased independence and funding of the Anti-corruption agencies for speedy investigation and prosecution of cases of corruption. • Holistic judicial reform for speedy dispensation of justice. • Immediate and sustainable stoppage to the oil theft and pipeline vandalization across the country. Help mobilize, spread the message and urge patriotic citizens to join in the fight for our future; we must reclaim our democracy and our nation. I thank you all for your audience. Isa Tijjani mni Lanre Suraju Madam Maureen Edena Chairman Secretary Vice Chairperson
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 08:52:55 +0000

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