STATE OF THE NATION I commend General Yakubu Gowon and others who - TopicsExpress


STATE OF THE NATION I commend General Yakubu Gowon and others who believe that the only solution to Nigerias problems is divine intervention and they pray fervently to God to forgive the nation. However, I dont think God can forgive an unrepentant person! Has the nation repented from its iniquitous ways to merit Gods forgiveness? Corrupt leaders! Ritual killers! Occultic associations! False prophets! Suicide bombers, do or die politicians and all kinds of abominable characters over-populated the nation without any sign of slowing down in their iniquitous and evil ways of life and yet we are asking God to forgive us! Such a prayer will definitely meet the deaf ears of God. We have more churches, mosques and shrines than any other nation in Africa (if not in the world) yet all we could get in return is geometric progression of evil deeds, atrocities and iniquities! Our Pastors and Imams are too scared to tell the truth for fair of not being patronised by the heavyweights in the society many of whom are the perpetrators of the reign of evil in the land. They would rather use their powers to invoke the blessings of God on those who donate generously to the Lord while the poor and destitute worshippers queue up under the scorching sun expecting miracles that are never designed for the have-nots. The fear of God exists only on the pages of the scriptures and the tongues of our clergymen. In practice, our ways of life adore Satan and hold the kingdom of darkness in high esteem! Under such circumstance we cannot expect the forgiveness of God. After all, our people say that a man who bears an ant-infested wood on his head must be ready to endure the uneasiness of painful bites even to his scrotum and a cow who soils her buttocks with malodorous faeces must be prepared to bear the aggressive onslaught of ferocious flies! It is also the principle of equity that he who seeks equity must do equity and he who comes to equity must come with clean hands. There is no perfect nation anywhere in the world but there is no nation that can prosper where majority of its people imbibe and practice the culture of corruption, evil and iniquities. It is ironical that in many a nation where the people are atheists, there are more decorum, rectitude and righteous practices than our own nation where every nook and cranny of the land is overwhelmed with countless brands of churches and mosques echoing persistently the sacred names of GOD every day and every night. Hypocrisy, isnt it?! Come to think of it, do we actually need prayer to make the nation better? Do we need prayer to know that we ought to be our brothers keeper? or to love our neighbours as ourselves? or to live harmoniously with our acquaintances? or to help the needy and the poor? or to use the money that belongs to the people to solve the peoples problems? or to repair our roads and prevent them from becoming abattoir of human souls? or to restructure our aviation industry and prevent our planes from becoming detonated flying bombs? or to give us stable electricity in order to encourage micro and macro economic breakthrough? or to create conducive political and economic environments for private investors so as to reduce the alarming rate of unemployment in our nation? or to accept defeat in election and work hand in hand with the winner for the good of the nation? or to train our children in the ways of the Lord so that they will grow to become responsible and god fearing leaders of tomorrow?! The sole answer to the above questions is an emphatic NO! According to Aristotle, you dont ask the gods to do for you what you can do for yourself. Our nation has no life without us. It is nothing but the reflection of us as a people. If our nation is doing badly as a nation it means we its occupants are doing badly as a people. All hands must be on deck to save our land from the doldrums of decadence and backwardness. We are all stakeholders in the Nigerian dream. The efforts of our heroes past must not be in vain. Nigeria has come to stay and we must not let it come to ruin by the evils of our own hands like the city of Babylon. Let everyone of us be the change that we desire. We must work together to move the nation forward but in the words of Aristotle he that would move the world must first move himself. Therefore, before we can move the nation we must first move ourselves on the paths of rectitude, sincerity and godliness. Let us jettison the reign of ME AS A PERSON and embrace the era of WE AS A PEOPLE. That is the only way to save the Nigerian dream from being consigned into the irredeemable limbo of utopian dream or ridiculous cocoon of fantasy. Long live my people! Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 04:23:01 +0000

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