STATE OF THE PROJECT, MARCH 2014... Confidence. Its something - TopicsExpress


STATE OF THE PROJECT, MARCH 2014... Confidence. Its something creative folks need to have when they go for what they want... Its also something with which I struggle. I dont have a lot of it in myself or my writing abilities. I have all the confidence in the world for my IDEAS but I always fear my execution will sabotage the potential of the story. Recent readings and conversations have swayed me towards doing a prose/regular book rather than a digital comic book. The reader folks I know are quick to notice a plot hole. Thats the looming confidence saboteur. If youve ever heard about me doing something, youve probably thought of 87 ways it couldve been done more efficiently or easier or less roundabout, etc. If the entire story (in which I have full confidence) rests in the hands of my writing ability (in which I dont have confidence), thats pretty daunting to me. It seems like such a huge responsibility. I could bring in an artist (that I cant pay) or a co-writer, but... I feel like I dont see things the way others do. I feel like Im the only one who can tell this story this way because only I can understand it. Other people wont get it unless they can see it for themselves. This is the struggle holding me back. Am I a good enough writer to tell this story? I better be, as Im the only one who can. Does every writer experience this struggle? Am I depressed? Am I putting too much pressure on myself? I dont know. Im gonna try push on through it and give it my best. Who knows - teenagers may even eat it up and itll get turned into a movie by a better writer.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 21:15:23 +0000

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