STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS! Who wants to talk politics? Ill - TopicsExpress


STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS! Who wants to talk politics? Ill list my talking points, well watch together and you chime in with whether im right, President Obama is wrong and vice-versa. 1) I agree with his decision on the Executive Order on Immigration. Nobody should be hauled off and sent to jail with murderers and rapists while they await deportation because they didnt fill out some paperwork and over stayed a visa! His Executive action doesnt make them citizens- its deferred status and it pulls them into the taxpayer pool with the rest of us which helps the economy and saves us millions of dollars that we are currently spending to house and deport them when they can obviously just come right back. Like the President said to Congress- If you dont like it PASS A BILL! 2) Punitive tax increases on the wealthy are a bad idea. No one should be unilaterally punished for being successful. Revise the tax code so corporations cant game the system and create jobs so you can grow the tax base. Larger tax base=more revenue... punishing people through taxation=creativity in order to dodge taxes. 3) Raise the Earned Income Credit so taxpayers can get more of their money back. 4) The reason people arent making as much as their parents did is because big business lobbyists have greased palms in order to change the overtime rules set by The Dept. Of Labor to exempt millions of workers from being eligible to receive overtime pay. Since the mid 80s corporate profits have soared reaching a post WWII record as a share of economic output, yet employee wages have stagnated. Under current regulations, workers who are deemed executive, administrative, or professional, can be denied overtime pay. If President Obama cares about income inequality and strengthening the middle class, he should issue an Executive Order to direct the Labor Dept. to change the rules that allow employers to define which workers are exempt from receiving overtime pay based on the kind of work they perform. He has the authority to do so under the Fair Labor Standards Act. 5) Free community College-Nothing is free! How about addressing the looming student loan bubble that is bound to burst when millions default on their loans because they cant find a job. 6) Kudos on Cuba! About time. 7) Stay the Hell out of the Middle East, both the left and the right support some type of military intervention, which lets be honest its another occupation and we simply cant afford these costly wars. You will hear that the war in Afghanistan is over but in reality 15,000 troops are still there and will be there for a LONG time. 8) Youre gonna hear a lot if talk about how much the economy has improved but the reality is we are now 18 TRILLION in debt and the best we can do is a decrease in deficit spending on a temporary basis! We are the ones paying for these wars! If we keep at it and the debt continues to grow as it has we are enslaving our future generations into debt servitude.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 02:24:01 +0000

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