STATEMENT BY ANONYMOUS. Question: Why should we be beggars with - TopicsExpress


STATEMENT BY ANONYMOUS. Question: Why should we be beggars with a ballot in our hand? Dear political parties and leaders, If you want my vote, here’s what you have to do: (1) Absolutely reject the neo-liberal, partisan and winner takes all agenda of ‘cut, deregulate, privatise, outsource’, and reckless dash of the countrys developmental projects contracts. (2) Be willing to shift tax burdens from the poor and middle class to the industries, businesses and the rich. (3) Be determined to regulate banks, big businesses, and international trade, in order to protect workers, consumers and the environment. (4) Be committed to see in flying colours of quality universal healthcare, building in surplus of community based housing, education and public services. (5) Reform the welfare system so that it provides a realistic safety net for everyone (not just a trap, keeping people in a no-pay/low-pay underclass). (6) Take ‘post-growth’ issues seriously: make environmentalism, sustainability, and quality of life, central to every aspect of policy. (7) Be moderate and pragmatic on social questions, without being either reactionary or faddish. (8) Understand localism, subsidiarity and the importance of the ‘human scale’ – including the importance of locally owned businesses and co- operatives to the economic vitality of our communities. (9) Make a serious commitment to real democratisation and constitutional reform – starting with the adoption of a modern, written Constitution, the restoration of civil liberties, and the abolition of the ‘Surveillance State’. (10) Oppose poverty, war and imperialism. (11) Have a pragmatic commitment to getting things done, not just propaganda and childish posturing. (12) Avoid all cults of personality. I don’t think I’m alone. This is what the centre-left and radical-centre of politics is yearning for. It is the sort of platform that might provide a viable and acceptable alternative to the Evil Wicked Tories. Come on! By: an anonymous.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 07:19:52 +0000

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