STATEMENT BY ENGR. MUHAMMED ABBA-GANA FORMER F.C.T MINISTER AND MEMBER B.O.T OF P.D.P TEN GOOD REASONS WHY I SUPPORT SENATOR ALI MODU SHERIFF’S DECAMPING TO PDP AND BELIEVE THIS CAN BRING MUCH NEEDED UNITY TO THE GOOD PEOPLE OF BORNO STATE. 1. Accordingly, I urge all PDP leaders and stakeholders and our millions of members and supporters to accept this great opportunity to unite all the diverse peoples of Borno State brought about by God the Almighty and Al-knowing. This will also bring forth Borno’s glorious days as ‘Home of Peace and Hospitality.’ 2. I myself as the Gubernatorial candidate of GNPP of old Borno State in 1983, the ruling party in the state at the time have seen the virtues of and believe in the philosophy of politics without bitterness popularized by the late GNPP Leader Alhaji Waziri Ibrahim of blessed memory. 3. In both Islam and Christianity we are also directed by God the Almighty, our Creator and Sustainer, not to live in a state of permanent enmity with our fellow human beings, by forgiving each other for any wrong done within three days. But some people sustain enmity for years against God’s directive. We are also told to be our brother’s keeper. These are God’s words and not to be treated lightly. 4. At the end of the unfortunate Nigerian Civil War, the great General Yakubu Gowon declared ‘’No victor and No vanquished’’ and directed that we proceed with the task of Reconciliation, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction. This great states manly act and decision of General Gowon, made the re-integration of our Igbo brothers and sisters to the rest of the country much easier and possible. So the time has come for Borno State people to embrace politics without bitterness as all Nigerians did after the unfortunate Civil War. 5. The final act of re-integration of the Igbo’s was done by Second Republic President Alhaji Shehu Shagari when he used his discretionary powers positively and nationalistically to pardon late Chief Ojukwu the Biafran leader who, waged about 30 months civil war against his fatherland costing at least ‘One million’ Nigerian lives. Any crime of Senator Ali Modu Sheriff cannot be worse than that of late Biafran leader Ojukwu, whose pardon by President Shehu Shagari was supported and accepted by vast majority of Nigerians. 6. Again, Senator Ali Modu Sheriff, Borno State Governor for eight years, has not, so far been convicted by any competent court of law in Nigeria or anywhere else in the world of any crime against Borno people or the Nigerian nation – as far as I know. We definitely know that all the existing political parties in Nigeria consist of members of different characters and dispositions. 7. Also we know that all political parties are really public institutions. Therefore, they are Not exclusive or private clubs. Accordingly all citizens are free to join any political party of their choice. 8. Of course it cannot be denied that a few leaders or stakeholders of Borno PDP might have very personal misunderstanding with Senator Ali Modu Sheriff arising from conflict of interest or clash of ambitions. But many other leaders and stakeholders have not any problem with him. I, Engr. Muhammed Abba-Gana is one of such. 9. Therefore, I sincerely want to appeal to all Borno State PDP leaders and stakeholders to forgive each other. This is the best way we can, single-mindedly and in earnest face the very challenging task of resettling and rehabilitating of all our totally deprived and devastated insurgency victims. And thereafter start building our institutions, social and economic infrastructures and lost business throughout our dear Borno State with support and help of the Federal Govt of Nigeria and obviously willing international community. 10. Finally, with all that has happened and is now happening to Borno and in Borno, I think we should not continue with the highly divisive, full of bitterness, acrimonious, hateful and very selfish politics of the years past. Most stakeholders and leaders have used all their wealth of experience, knowledge, skill, wisdom and resources undermining/fighting each other most of the time without bringing substantial progress, development and prosperity to the good people of Borno State as we managed to do during the Governor Mohammed Goni years, 1979-1983. 11. This is my humble submission to all PDP Leaders, Stakeholders, Executives and Members. So help us, guide us God our Creator and Sustainer. Amin. Engr. Muhammed Abba-Gana Former F.C.T. Minister and Member B.O.T. of PDP.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 10:36:41 +0000

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