STATEMENT BY HON. GEOFFREY BWALYA MWAMBA (GBM) MINISTER OF DEFENCE, KASAMA CENTRAL-MP PRESIDENT MICHAEL CHILUFYA SATA’S 2016 ENDORSEMENTS A. Introduction Committed Patriotic Front (PF) members across the country have continued to express their confidence in the leadership of His Excellency President Michael Chilufya Sata. President Sata is leading an ambitious and successful national economic development programme with Zambia experiencing unprecedented economic growth, infrastructure development like the Link Zambia 8000, new hospitals, schools and universities which have translated in public and private sector job creation. So, we unambiguously endorse President Sata as PF’s sole candidate for 2016. B. Our call for endorsements is a Call for Unity Our calls to endorse President Sata as PF’s sole candidate for 2016 will guarantee unity in PF under his able leadership. We expected all PF members and colleagues in Government to welcome this call but sadly vicious attacks came from some in PF and Fred M’membe’s Post Newspaper, not from Opposition parties. The Post Newspaper is busy discrediting President Sata’s endorsements by maliciously targeting my personality and the business I’ve worked to build all my life through hard work, sweat and toil. Zambians must reject the Post Newspaper’s malicious plan to impose their anointed puppets to take over from President Sata. C. What President Sata’s 2016 Endorsement Campaign focuses on The endorsement drive will guarantee victory for PF in 2016 since President Sata is very popular nationwide. Sadly, the Post Newspaper has waged a vicious war to paint this campaign “black” because their interests are threatened. There is only one camp in PF - the one led by President Sata who needs our daily support. PF members must therefore not be victimized for openly supporting President Sata. D. Substance of the Endorsement versus Politics of Personalities Endorsements are a vote of confidence in President Sata’s visionary leadership. My appeal to PF members including those with hidden agendas sponsored by Fred M’membe’s Post Newspaper is that endorsing President Sata’s sole candidacy doesn’t warrant vilifying and victimization of the proponents. E. Conclusion Let’s engage in a civil and democratic debate. President Sata is leading and we all remain inadequate for President. PF will not accept self-imposed “feeble” messiahs sponsored by their masters at the Post Newspaper. We call on all PF members and citizens from branches, wards, constituencies, districts, provinces and national structures of the party to openly endorse President Sata’s sole candidacy for 2016.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 13:07:57 +0000

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