STATEMENT BY HON. MOSES WETANGULA ON PERSISTENT INSULTS ON CORD LEADERSHIP BY HON. MUSALIA MUDAVADI.It has been my wish not to be responding to insults leveled at me or any of the CORD leaders by our opponents from the Jubilee side. But today I have had to break away from this and respond to Hon. Musalia Mudavadis continued tirades aimed at me and my persona.I am not interested in engaging Mr. Mudavadi in proxy wars because he is not in my political calibre and doesnt play in my league whatsoever.Mr. Mudavadi has employed a tact of using his reckless and permanently inebriated Personal Assistant who seems to be ever drunk on substance to hurl insults at the people he imagines to be his political enemies including me.I want to tell Mr. Mudavadi to be man enough and stop hiding behind the curtains and using proxies to throw salvos at me. If he thinks he is a leader worth my responses, I challenge him to meet me in any public rally/forum anywhere in including his Sabatia home for a face-off and see who between us will give out facts to the people.Who in this country doesnt know that Mr. Mudavadi is a man who has been spoon-fed all the years in his now dwindling political career? The people of Kenya will never forgive him for betraying them in 2002 when he had the chance of ascending to power. He did the same in 2013 when Kenyans were fighting for real change. He was demonized by his suitors and now he is desperately seeking favors from the same people who betrayed him.These desperate acts of a frustrated and failed politician will not find him any favour from the people of Kenya, no matter how much he tries to throw mud at me. Mr. Mudavadi suffers from a weakness that can only be likened to a lion that has no space in a kingdom that has active and vibrant lions.The politics of today does not need political cowards who go around whistling in darkness. He should know that things are done in the open personally and not through proxies and more a constantly inebriated Personal Assistant. He does things in political wilderness occasionally punctuated by cheap favours from people who sympathize with him and whom he turns around to betray. This will soon come to an end.I advise my brother Mudavadi to wake up from slumber and come to terms with the reality on the ground that he no longer has any niceties in Western. His political career is dead and he should live with that.HON. SEN. MOSES WETANGULA, EGHFORD-KENYA CANDIDATE, BUNGOMA SENATE BY-ELECTION
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 17:02:07 +0000

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