STATEMENT BY KIBRA MP ON PLANNED ISSUANCE OF TITLE DEEDS Kibera is a sensitive place that can easily explode into deadly violence if proper consultation is not done for a comprehensive plan on land and housing for all residents of the slum. In the last two weeks, there has been a build up of tension and misunderstanding on the ground among communities who normally coexist peacefully. Today, one the day before a rumored visit by HE President Kenyatta to Kibra tomorrow, nobody, not even me as the elected MP of Kibra knows the exact plan and purpose of the visit. Key leaders like Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero, Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Langata MP Joash Olum, Kibra MP Kenneth Okoth, County Representatives of the affected areas Alhad Adam (Makina Ward), Obenge Obenge (Lindi Ward), David Kitavi (Laini Saba Ward), Pius Otieno (Sarangombe Ward) must be fully engaged and briefed for such an important initiative to succeed. Over the last week, conflicting reports have leaked to the community about a planned visit to Kibera by HE President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto to issue an unknown number of title deeds to individuals, organizations, as well as a community title for 288 acres to trustees of the Nubian people. On Tuesday this week, the CS for Lands visited parts of Kibera, resulting in violent demonstrations by angry residents who feared that her visit will trigger mass evictions in parts of Kibra. The process behind this supposed allocation of titles to the Nubians and other groups and individuals has been shrouded in mystery, and a lot of important questions remain unanswered. It is these unanswered questions that have resulted in suspicions, mistrust, and a dangerous rise in tension within Kibra. The Jubilee government must be very careful and sensitive not to incite unnecessary conflict in Kibra. I urge President Uhuru and Madam Charity Ngilu, Cabinet Secretary for Lands and Housing to work with our elected and grassroots leaders and focus on a solution that respects and recognizes the needs and interests of all our people. As the MP of Kibra, I can assure you that our people want peace and development. I have advocated consistently for the rights of the Nubian people to get justice by recognition of their claims to more than 4,000 acres of land initially allocated to them by the British Colonial government. Unfortunately, it seems like the current government plans to offer Nubians only 288 acres in Kibra and has not addressed the question of compensation for the rest of the land under their original claim. Within the proposed 288 acres Nubian Village in Kibra, it is not clear what plan the government has for resettlement or compensation of non-Nubian structure owners, tenants, and about 100 other individuals and organizations who over the years obtained genuine title deeds within the area. Outside of the proposed 288acres Nubian Village, non-Nubian residents from all other 42 ethnic communities of Kenya live in the villages such as Laini Saba, Kisumu Dogo, Soweto, Gatwekera, and Kianda. What will be the fate of the residents of Kibra in these areas? In October, the CS Ngilu reported at a meeting with residents that all of Kibra had been sold already to private developers and that only 288 acres remained, all of which would be allocated to the Nubian community. HON KEN OKOTH, MP, KIBRA
Posted on: Sun, 08 Dec 2013 06:35:29 +0000

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