STATEMENT BY MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT RANDY HOBACK ON NDP PROTECTIONIST POLICIES PRINCE ALBERT, January 20, 2015 – Randy Hoback, Member of Parliament for Prince Albert issued the following statement: “Recently, our Conservative government took action to protect Canadian sovereignty to ensure that Buy America provisions, blocking Canadian steel producers from competing for a contract at the Port of Prince Rupert in British Columbia, would not be applied. “While the NDP candidate in Regina–Lewvan attacks this action, our Conservative government will always defend the interest of hardworking Canadian and their families. “That NDP candidate also calls for the same kind of protectionist policies in Canada. This is further proof of the NDP’s anti-trade, isolationist agenda. “The people of Saskatchewan proudly support free trade and oppose these kinds of close-minded policies that deny both Canadian and American companies and communities the clear benefits that arise from more open trade. We are focused on building up our economy by tearing down trade barriers, not erecting new ones. “The NDP’s support for these protectionist and harmful policies is more evidence that they do not represent the interests of the hardworking people of Saskatchewan.” - 30 – Buy America a threat to B.C. port project Alaska ferry system must use U.S. steel in building new terminal VANCOUVER SUN (FINAL) Section: NEWS, Page: A1 / FRONT Brian Morton, Vancouver Sun The federal government is threatening to throw a wrench into Alaskas plans to build on Canadian turf exclusively with American steel and iron. International Trade Minister Ed Fast said Canada took a rare step Monday when it signed a legal order to block the state of Alaska from imposing the protectionist Buy American policy on a project to construct a new ferry terminal on the British Columbia coastline. We have been clear: the application of protectionist Buy America provisions on Canadian soil is unacceptable and an affront to Canadian sovereignty, Fast said in a statement after the Canadian government signed the order under the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act. The law opens the door for Canadian authorities to prevent anyone in Canada from complying with the Buy American provisions in the project. The federal government signed the order on the grounds it hurts the countrys interests after Alaska rejected its demands to ditch its restrictions in Prince Rupert. The Alaska Marine Highway has operated the ferry terminal since 1963; the projects call for tenders is to close this week. The tendering document states the roughly US$15 million project must only use U.S. iron and steel, as per Buy American legislation. And the head of Tourism Prince Rupert is siding with the Americans. I dont mind their (the U.S.) position, said Scott Farwell. Its an unfortunate situation and I have some compassion for both sides. But I think the person whos paying the bill, its reasonable that if they want a portion of that spent on supplies from their country, then so be it. And to be honest, the chances of us getting any Canadian steel into this project is probably minimal. If the steel doesnt come from the U.S., it will probably come from China. If the process moves forward with the Buy American policy, the Canadian government could exercise the order against the winning contractor and any violations could lead to police investigations. Buy America provisions deny both countries companies and communities the clear benefits that arise from our integrated supply chain and our commitment to freer and more open trade, Fast said. Farwell said Prince Rupert depends on ferry. Last year, the Alaska marine highway delivered 15,000 passengers through Prince Rupert. That equates to 15 to 20 per cent of all leisure travellers into our area. Its a very significant transportation link for Prince Rupert and B.C. In one year, were talking about a value to Prince Rupert alone of about $3 million. The previously delayed bid opening for the project was pushed back again last week, from this coming Wednesday to Friday. Walker said he wasnt sure if it would get pushed back again. In November, an official for the Alaska Marine Highway said the Prince Rupert contract had to comply with Buy American provisions because the funding came from the U.S. Federal Highway Administration. Fast said he had been calling on the state to seek a waiver that would remove the protectionist barrier. We remain committed to working with our U.S. partners to resolve this unacceptable situation, he said. A spokesman in Fasts office says the only other time the federal government used the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act was in 1992, after the U.S. tried to restrict trade between Cuba and U.S.-owned subsidiaries based in Canada. An economist for the United Steelworkers union criticized Fasts approach Monday, accusing him of doing nothing to encourage the use of Canadian steel in Prince Rupert or for any other project. If the whole terminal were built with Chinese steel, the Conservative government wouldnt bat an eye, Erin Weir, who is running for the NDP in Saskatchewan, wrote in an email. Simply removing Buy America requirements would enable the project to use steel from offshore. Weir suggested the government maintain procurement preferences for domestic steel, but that it negotiate a Buy North American policy between Canada and the U.S. bmorton@vancouversun with Canadian Press
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 22:29:21 +0000

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