STATEMENT FROM ANN FARRAR, INTERIM CHIEF EXECUTIVE, NORTH CUMBRIA UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS TRUST “I would like to thank the Keogh Review team for the work that has gone into this important process. We wholeheartedly welcome today’s findings and fully support the recommendations which are vital for our journey of improvement in North Cumbria. “Many of the areas highlighted are problems that we are acutely aware of and are actively working very hard to address. Equally, however, there are areas of considerable concern where much better processes and procedures should have been in place to protect our patients. Together with our various health partners we are now taking very urgent action to address these issues in the very best interests of patient safety. “There can be absolutely no excuses for some of the very poor standards that appear to have been accepted as the norm in North Cumbria over several years. It is important, however, that we now, collectively, look to the future and work together on this improvement journey, and I am encouraged that the Keogh Review team have recognised the work the Trust have already done. “People can be absolutely reassured that I am fully committed to working through the inevitable challenges that still lie ahead and to inspiring our many thousands of dedicated and caring staff so that they can once again feel proud of their work, their organisation and the NHS. “I want our teams to operate in an environment which is free from blame, where colleagues support each other to continuously strive to do to the absolute very best we can for patients every single day. To do this requires a significant culture change and one which will not happen overnight.“We have made some great inroads in the past ten months with a really positive increase in the number of serious incidents that are now being openly reported so that we can learn from these and continue to improve quality. This is a crucial first step. “As the acquisition progresses, we must now look forward and together, with the full support of our health partners in Cumbria, I am confident that we can, and we will, put right the wrongs of the past to give the people of North Cumbria the health care they so richly deserve.”
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 15:23:14 +0000

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