STATEMENT OF NATIONAL PRESIDENT CHUCK CANTERBURY ON OFFICER SAFETY AND VIGILANCE 12/29/2014 Law enforcement officers have always served in harms way. However, in recent weeks all law enforcement officers have become targets of opportunity for assassins and hate-filled individuals actively seeking to do us harm. This is a growing threat and I urge all of our members and our brother and sisters everywhere, in every jurisdiction, to exercise extreme caution while on their beats. I cannot overstate the danger to our men and women on the streets. Since the assassination of New York City Police Officers Rafael Ramos and Wejian Liu, there have been reports of attempts on officers lives in California and Florida. These will not be the last. While on duty, make sure to employ a heightened sense of situational awareness. Be alert and be cognizant of your own safety as well as that of your partner. Use the utmost caution and take care at each and every interaction with the public. Be mindful of your environment at all times, especially when in your police vehicle. Whether you are on break, filling out reports or using your equipment to run plates or identities, it is important that you maintain your situational awareness. Your own alertness is better protection than your squad car. Be vigilant at all times. Stay safe.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:59:15 +0000

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