STATEMENT OF THE ANCYL PROVINCIAL TASK TEAM ON THE STATE OF THE ANCYL IN THE NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE AND MANDELA DAY CELEBRATIONS Following careful assessment of the state of affairs within the ANCYL, the NEC of the ANC took a decision, in the best interest of the ANC Youth League and the movement as a whole, to disband the NEC of the ANCYL and subsequently put in place a National Task Team (NTT), to amongst others reposition and rebuild the ANCYL. The immediate responsibility of the NTT was to undertake an assessment of the state of affairs within the structures of the ANCYL at provincial level across the country. In line with this key responsibility, the NTT paid the Northern Cape a visit a while back and engaged both the provincial and regional structures of the ANCYL to establish whether there is proper and adequate functioning of these structures as per the constitutional requirements of the ANCYL and the ANC as the mother body. Subsequent to the visit by the ANCYL NTT and lengthy engagements thereafter in the NTT, the NTT took a decision to disband the PEC of the Northern Cape together with the REC’s of Frances Baard, John Taolo Gaetsewe and Siyanda Region. This move by the NTT was followed by the establishment of a Provincial Task Team (PTT) for the ANCYL in the Northern Cape. The members of the PTT of the Northern together and those of other provinces were announced to the public through national media, what is important at this time is to highlight some of the key responsibilities or rather terms of reference of the ANCYL PTT in the Northern Cape. The PTT is tasked with, amongst others, the following roles and responsibilities; • Effectively assuming the status, powers and functions of the PEC, • Establishing Regional Task Teams (RTT) in disbanded regions in consultation with relevant structures of the movement in those regions, • Rebuilding and correctly repositioning the ANCYL in the province and taking the organisation to a provincial conference, • Building quality branches and developing proper membership and desisting from an influx method of recruitment for purposes conference, • Revitalising the Progressive Youth Alliance (PYA) in the province, • Rebuilding structures of the organisation from branch level, where discrepancies are found in the launching of structures, decisive action should be take to correct that, • Develop a clear programme to mobilise young people behind the vision of the ANC and seek to highlight challenges facing young people. The first meeting of the PTT appointed the following PTT members have been responsible for specific roles, in an effort to ensure proper and adequate functioning of the ANCYL in the province and effective implementation of its programmes and supporting the programmes of the ANC; 1. Monwabisi Nkompela – Spokesperson 2. Mojalefa Sethuntsa – Organiser 3. Morakane Modise – Membership Officer 4. Xhanti Teki – Political Education Officer Regional Conveners 1. Frances Baard Region – Neo Maneng 2. JTG Region – Lerato Moleleki 3. Siyanda Region – Mojalefa Sethuntsa 4. Pixley Ka Seme Region – Gopolang Kgosiemang 5. Namakwa Region – Zet Kwinana The PTT is in the process of setting up RTTs in the three regions were structures were disbanded; the process includes consultation with our mother body both at provincial and regional level, our alliance partners and the PYA structures. An announcement of the respective RTTs will be made as soon as the consultation process has been concluded, which should be in a short space of time from now. As part of rebuilding and repositioning the ANCYL in the province the PTT intends to, in the run up to the planned provincial and regional conferences, convene a Provincial General Council (PGC) which should be preceded by Regional General Councils in all five regions. The purpose of the PGC will be to take stock of the status of the organisation, assess the readiness to hold conference, reflect on the direction that needs to be taken and decide on the way forward. The PTT has set itself a target of 20 000 members in good standing come the provincial conference of the ANCYL in this province. Tomorrow marks the 95th birthday of one of the founders of our glorious youth movement, Tata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, on behalf of the entire membership of the ANCYL in the Province the PTT wishes to take this opportunity to pay homage to this icon of our struggle for liberation. We also want to wish Tata well and pray that he be comforted during his protracted hospital stay due to illness associated with old age. It was due to the vision and bravery of the 1940 generation of Nelson Mandela, Anton Lembede, Walter Sisulu, Mxolisi Majombosi, A.P. Mda and others that the ANCYL was born. And indeed there is no doubt that the birth of the ANCYL heralded a turning point our struggle for liberation. The ANCYL henceforth makes a commitment, in honour of the 1940, to conduct itself and its affairs in a manner befitting of its founding principles as espoused by the Nelson Mandela generation and for this reason we declare ourselves the league of Mandela! As part of our Nelson Mandela Day Programme in celebration of the legacy of our former President, Tata Nelson Mandela, the ANCYL will visit a young boy, Kabelo Selekisho, in Bonita Park - Phokwane Municipality who was brutally mutilated at an illegal initiation school in that area, to spend time, offer him our support and console his family over the tragedy that befell them. The ANCYL in the province is perturbed by the high incidents of death and mutilation that continue to occur at illegal initiation schools across our province. As the ANCYL we strongly believe in the preservation and respect of all cultural practices but take serious exception at these gruesome incidents of torture and murder at initiation schools which seem to continue unabated. We call upon government and our traditional authorities to come up with a workable framework to regulate initiation schools in order to avoid these inhumane acts which rob our communities of future leaders and families of potential breadwinners. The ANC in the province had a very successful provincial and regional launch of the Luthuli Volunteer Corps events which were graced by the national leadership of the ANC including the president, Jacob Zuma, who attended the provincial launch in Upington. During the launches, tens of thousands of people of the Northern Cape, more than 70% of which were young people, committed themselves to voluntarily give their time to campaign for the ANC in the forthcoming 2014, unlike in the opposition were people are bought to campaign for the opposition. The people of the Northern Cape volunteer to campaign for the ANC because they have confidence that it is the only organisation that has never failed them and it continues to strive to provide them with a better life. The fact that the ANCYL is led by a PTT should never be confused with a weak ANCYL in the province. The overwhelming number of young people who are part of the Luthuli Volunteer Corps is an indication that ANCYL remains strong, alive and kicking in this province. Young people of this province continue to rally behind the ANCYL and remain steadfast behind the ANC’s vision of a better life for all. As the ANCYL in the province we commit ourselves to work together with the ANC, the Alliance partners and the PYA structures to deliver a 70% victory for the ANC in the Northern Cape in the upcoming National General elections of 2014. A 70% victory for the ANC in this province will be a great honour to our ailing former president, Tata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, who once declared:”....I’am a member of the African National Congress, I have always been a member of the African National Congress and will remain a member of the African National Congress until the day I die...” The ANCYL in the Northern Cape notes with concern the efforts of COPE to undermine the will of the people in Nama Khoi Municipality. The people of Nama Khoi have made it crystal clear that they want only the ANC to run their municipality, after the DA-COPE marriage of convenience dismally failed them. COPE is now holding the municipality at ransom through the courts after their partnership with the DA lost control of that municipality subsequent to an ANC’s victory in a free and fair Bi-election recently held in that municipality. The ANCYL wishes to warn COPE that we are not going to allow them to run our municipalities through the courts like they run their organisation. The people of Nama Khoi are denied much needed services through the actions of COPE and their partners in crime, the Democratic Alliance. They have the audacity to do all of this after the municipal officials whom they had appointed ran that municipality like a tuck shop and squandering public funds. The ANCYL will work together swith the people of Nama Khoi to ensure that, if necessary we forcefully, remove the greedy little hands of COPE and DA politicians from Nama Khoi’s municipality’s purse. We further wish to make it clear that we are not threatened by the formation of politically parties by expelled individuals who failed to subject themselves to culture and discipline of the ANC, the ANC did not survive for more than hundred years by chance, it did so because it cultivated and nurtured a culture of discipline within its membership. Elements which lacked discipline have been leaving the ANC since 1959 to form their own political parties and history has always vindicated the ANC against such elements. The formation of the so called Economic Freedom Fighters comes as no surprise to us as the ANCYL; the ANC has seen many of these in its more than hundred years of existence. The best they can do for themselves is to learn from the mistakes of those who like them left the ANC to form their own political parties, from 1959 to 2008. Come 2014 there shall be only one triumphed political organisation in the province and that will be the African National Congress, the “Johnny Come Lately’s” will learn the hard way that there is no space for the unprincipled and ill-disciplined elements in South Africa’s body politic. Issued By: ANCYL Northern Cape PTT Contact: Provincial Convener – Zet Kwinana Contact Number: 083 895 0154
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 10:05:42 +0000

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