STATEMENT ON CERTIFICATION OF PASS STANDARDS AS COLLEGE & CAREER READY Today, the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education certified the PASS standards as college and career ready. Below is the statement released by the leadership of OSSBA, CCOSA and USSA. You can download a copy of the PASS report on the OSSBA website. Read their tweets from the meeting. Watch the recording of the regents meeting. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OCT. 16, 2014 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – The leaders of the state’s associations representing school board members, school administrators, and suburban school districts responded to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education certification of Oklahoma’s Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS) as “college and career ready” for purposes of reinstating the state’s waiver from the federal No Child Left Behind Act. The Executive Directors of OSSBA, CCOSA, and USSA offered the following remarks: “We appreciate the deliberative efforts of Chancellor Glen D. Johnson, the staff of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, and the standards review teams to thoroughly review the PASS Standards for English / Language Arts and Mathematics. Today’s announcement makes clear Oklahoma has a set of academic student standards that, when properly taught, sufficiently prepare students for college and career. Our hope is State Superintendent Janet Barresi will accept the regents report, quickly communicate the findings to the United States Department of Education and request an immediate reinstatement of Oklahoma’s NCLB waiver. The ongoing development of even stronger academic standards is still necessary to prepare our state’s children for the future, and we believe today’s report is an appropriate baseline for development of Oklahoma’s new English / Language Arts and Mathematics standards. We have great confidence in the review and final certification of the PASS Standards because the work performed by Oklahoma’s higher education faculty members and State Regents staff was validated through a process of external review conducted by consultants affiliated the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). Oklahoma’s public school students are best served when we take politics out of education issues and use evidence as our guide. As associations, we look forward to working with state and federal officials throughout the process of reinstating Oklahoma’s waiver from the federal No Child Left Behind law. We also will continue working with Oklahoma’s policymakers to address some of the major challenges facing Oklahoma’s public schools which may be negatively impacting student achievement, including the teacher shortage and increasing class sizes.” -END- Shawn Hime, Executive Director of the Oklahoma State School Boards Association (OSSBA) [email protected] or 405.528.3571 Steven Crawford, Executive Director of the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration (CCOSA) [email protected] or 405.524.1191 Ryan Owens, Executive Director of the United Suburban Schools Association (USSA) ussaok@gmail or 405.431.0880
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 18:15:24 +0000

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