STATEMENT ON THE SALARIES OF CIVIL SERVANTS 1. H.E the President who is also the NRM party chairman took the NRM caucus through the focus for this year’s budget. He said this year’s budget will focus on infrastructure development e.g roads, electricity, water etc in order to grow the economy and transform communities for the benefit of many Ugandans. 2. On the issue of the Public Servants; the NRM Parliamentary Caucus has noted with great concern that some public servants have not been paid their salaries. The Caucus has directed the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and the Minister of Public Service to pay civil servants immediately, including all those who have not been legitimately paid. 3. The NRM caucus has also noted the query of the ghost workers raised by the Auditor General which needs urgent attention and remedy. 4. The Caucus has given the Attorney General one day to consult and advise government on the way forward on how to resolve any legalities regarding financial procedures on this matter. 5. On the commitment of government on salary increment for the teachers; The Caucus noted that government remains committed to the welfare of all civil servants. To that effect government has effected a 4% increment on salaries of all civil servants this financial year. 6. Regarding teachers, government is still committed to its obligation of improving the welfare of teachers. Government has allocated five billion shillings (5bn) for the next five years to the teachers SACCO totaling Shs 25bn for the next five years. It has also factored in the 4% increment to cater for inflation like for any other civil servants. On this note the NRM Caucus urges all teachers to join teachers SACCOs. 7. The Caucus also noted with concern the practice of institutions promoting and recruiting people in the middle of the financial year without reference to budgetary implications, an issue that has caused shortfalls in wages. This they noted must be stopped. 8. The President will meet the leaders of the teachers soon and agree on the way forward. END Signed Government chief whip Justine Kasule Lumumba
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 08:17:59 +0000

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