STAY TRUE TO YOUR PATH! A successful life is one that is lived - TopicsExpress


STAY TRUE TO YOUR PATH! A successful life is one that is lived through understanding and pursuing one’s own path, not chasing after the dreams of others. You have to do what’s right for you; no one else walks in your shoes. Accept the things you can’t change. What you resist, persists. If you are resisting something, you are feeding it. Any energy you actively fight, you are feeding. If you are using negative energy to push something away, you are inviting it to stay. Choose to accept what is, be positive and proactive, let go of the need to control every tiny detail, and embrace peace in the process. Leave the past where it belongs. Don’t stumble over something behind you. Don’t use the past as an excuse to miss out on today. You do not heal the wounds of the past by digging deeper into them. Acceptance truly is the bitter pill you have to bravely swallow to move beyond yesterday’s sorrows. It’s a choice you must make. Because the truth of the matter is that history only dictates the future if you allow it. In other words, you only have to relive it if you choose to. Show your love. You don’t need to be perfect to be a perfect friend or lover, but the commitment to your relationship is a precious responsibility. Relationships last a lifetime only when two people make a choice to keep it, fight for it, and work for it. These acts of love don’t need to be extravagant either; they just need to be true. And true love is always shown in deeds, not words. Help change one life. No matter how overwhelming life’s challenges and problems seem to be, or how small you feel at times, YOU can make a difference in the world. What you do truly matters. In fact, the vast majority of positive changes come about in someone’s life simply because one other person cares for them, believes in them, and motivates them. So be that one person, even if it’s to only one other person. ~ ~ ~Marc and Angel Hack Life. - Via Positive Thoughts
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 20:19:33 +0000

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