STEADFASTLY ENDURING TO THE END: DANIEL’S EXAMPLE: Daniel.1:8; Daniel.6:1-4; Daniel.10:11; Daniel.12:13. Daniel’s life presents to us what it means to steadfastly endure until the end. He made a decision to stand for God and righteousness in chapter one of his life. He said I will not defile myself in chapter one by chapter six he was still holding on without compromise, no fault or error was found in him. Chapter ten he was pure and beloved of God and till chapter twelve the end of his life he still stood pure and righteous. Daniel.1:21. The bible said that Daniel continued till King Cyrus. He continued (1) in his sinless life. Daniel.6:4. (2) He continued in faithfulness. Daniel.6:3-5. (3) He continued in his uncompromising stand against evil. Daniel.5:17-23. (4) He continued in his commitment to God and righteousness. Daniel.6:22. (5) He continued in his stand for the truth. (6) He continued in fellowship with the Lord. (7) He continued in grace and godly life till the end. Daniel.10:11, 19. Daniel.6:1-5. Till old age Daniel remained the beloved of the Lord. It takes determination to stand like Daniel in this evil, corrupt and dirty world. Lots of Christians today finds it difficult to keep their faith from chapter one to the end. To some by the time you get to chapter six of their life you will find a lot of compromise and defilements, not Daniel may God make you to be like Daniel. Mt.24:12-13. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. It does not matter what is happening around you in the place where you are, the grace of God is sufficient to help you live the uncompromising life of an overcomer. To start off in the race to heaven is good and wonderful, and then to end it well in heaven is the most wonderful and great. He that endureth to the end the same shall be saved. Will you make, I believe the grace of God is sufficient unto you, I will see you there in heaven. MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO STAND UNDEFILED AND UNCOMPROMISING TILL THE END. BY THE GRACE OF GOD YOU WILL STAND. GOD BLESS YOU, SEE YOU IN HEAVEN SHOULD JESUS COME BEFORE WE MEET AGAIN.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 13:18:20 +0000

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