STEER CLEAR OF CORRUPTION, PROPHET MUHAMMADS (SAW) LAST SERMON #thealmightyknowsbest We should carefully note that having the last sermon, delivered on 9th day of Dhul-hijah (12th Month) of the islamic calendar, as warnings to the muslims does not mean non-muslims are exempted from the benefits of the sermons fulfilment. The sermon only revealed the fact that in any sphere of life muslims find themselves, they should abstain from any form of corruptible act. Corruption is known to be a dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery. Which denotes that trust and accountability are missing from the authorities involved in such disatsrous act. The prophet(Peace be upon him) warned in his last sermon (an extraction from the sermon); Oh people, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Remember that you will indeed appear before God and answer for your actions. Return the things kept with you as trust (amanah ) to their rightful owners. Oh people, be mindful of those who work under you. Feed and clothe them as you feed and clothe yourselves. Listen to me carefully. Worship God and offer prescribed prayer, observe fasting in the month of Ramadan and pay the poor-due. This can be related to the leaders on the corridor of power, whom most of them ignore the fact that the life and properties of their companions or those whom they govern are sacrosacnt which should be given utmost care. The welfarism and standard of living of the masses in this part of the world have no value in the sight of most of our leaders as the treasury entrusted with them to cater for the development of the citizens well-being is being looted and lavishly spent for their own benefit. We can regard this as an evolution of corruption. In amending this ungodly act, our leaders need to fear the torment of almighty God and be the trustworthy and accountable individuals they were known to be before they were given the mandates to lead by the governed or electorates. However, human resources are not exempted, as their heads or managers or leaders are expected to ensure they are well paid, well sheltered, well clothe and well fed because all these form a sustainable standard of living. These naturally created resources are meant to be taken care of like the leaders take care of themselves and their family and likewise avoid giving them inferior treatments. Fasting is a form of worship and also makes us experience what the poor encounter when they dont have the financial capability to fend for themselves a complete daily meal of standard and balanced diets. Therefore, its enjoined on us to observe ZAKAT FITR immediately after fasting in the month of RAMADAN in order to feed the poor and needy. To crown it all, the fear of God can only be incorporated into the mind of our leaders when they engage themselves in worshipping almighty God often. Its only those who fear God that will obey his commandments and the messages sent through the holy prophet MUHAMMAD (May the peace and blessing of ALLAH be upon him). OH ALLAH GUIDE OUR LEADERS RIGHT OH ALLAH GUIDE THE FOLLOWERS RIGHT OH ALLAH BLESS OUR DEAR COUNTRY #thebittertruism #thealmightyknowsbest
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 08:04:24 +0000

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