STEPS TO JESUS DIGEST CHAPTER 5 – CONSECRATION GIVE UP EVERYTHING THAT WILL CAUSE YOU TAKE YOUR HEART AWAY FROM GOD AND CAUSE YOU TO SUFFER ETERNAL LOSS God’s promise is “you will seek me, and you will find me because you will seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13. There is only one way to be set free from sin and death. We must follow our Master who gave up everything – the entire universe that loved Him to come to this world to suffer and die in your place for your sins. He was innocent. He did not deserve the death penalty that men awarded Him because they hated His purity which they could not understand. God is calling you and me, not to give up everything, but rather to give up everything that will cause us suffering and eternal loss. He calls us to give up everything that will take our hearts away from God. BE WILLING TO GIVE UP WEALTH, HONOR, FAME, PRAISE AND AN EASY LIFE What are some of the things that turn our hearts away from God? (1) Many people worship riches. Their desire for wealth and the love of money bind them to Satan. (2) Others desire honor more than anything else. They want people to look up to them and praise them. (3) Still others wish for an easy, selfish life with freedom from care. But we must turn away from all these. We cannot belong half to God and half to the world. We are God’s children only when we are entirely His. God is calling you to love Him supremely and your neighbor as yourself. When you love God supremely you will turn from a multitude of things you used to do to spend time with God learning more about God and sharing what you are learning with others. MOST OF ALL GIVE YOUR TIME TO GOD – SPEND TIME IN PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY OBEYING THE CALL TO “COME AND LET US REASON TOGETHER” Jesus says, “None of you can be my disciple unless you give up everything you have.” Luke 14:33. We must give up everything that takes our hearts away from God. Without turning from that which has occupied our attention in the past we are “Spiritually dead”; “your heart and mind are sick”; “not a healthy spot on your body.” Ephesians 2:1; Isaiah 1:5, 6. Sinners are held fast by Satan. They are in “the trap of the devil, who had caught them and made them obey his will.” 2 Timothy 2:26. We are like flies caught on flypaper. Satan claims that those who will not give their time to God. They follow him blindly but God says “Come and let us reason together.” Isaiah 1:18, KJV. We cannot win heaven by the good things we do – which, in God’s eyes, is worthless. But the secret of a life of POWER is nearness to Christ – joy in his friendship – love for him changes our lives – there is no other way. And that takes precious time, time you must spend if you desire to develop a deep love for Christ, a life of living POWER! Christ “willingly gave his life and shared the fate of evil men. He took the place of many sinners and prayed that they might be forgiven.” Isaiah 53:12. A deep love for Christ causes us to willingly give him our sinful hearts, asking him to cleanse them – we will ask throughout each day for God’s greatest gift, His Holy Spirit. CHOOSE TO SERVE CHRIST NOW Christ freely accepts you with all your weaknesses and many faults – he will wash them away with his blood. He wants you to choose Him throughout each day. Choose to serve Christ – ask for his Holy Spirit and your thoughts will be like his. How do we choose Christ? That is the subject of the next chapter, Faith and Acceptance. PLANT GOSPEL SEEDS NOW – PREPARE OTHERS FOR THE HARVEST – THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST (These Seeds Come in 13 Languages) Purchase these (GLOW) tracts to share with your neighbors and those you meet each day -- plant seeds for Jesus (2,000 for $100) – I’m not a seller – I purchase this seed just like you and plant it in the hearts of others so at the harvest, when Jesus comes (Matthew 13:39) I will see thousands I have invited with this gospel seed (Luke 8:11) prepared to meet Jesus and shining like the sun (Matthew 13:43) forever! AMAZING GRACE! WHEN WE’VE BEEN THERE 10,000 YEARS. BRIGHT, SHINING AS THE SUN WE’VE NO LESS DAYS TO SING GOD’S PRAISE THEN WHEN WE FIRST BEGUN! I’ll see you then and be an eternal everlasting friend in heaven and in the New Earth (Matthew 5:5 and Revelation 21-22 – the last two chapters of your Bible – Read them today! - SEE YOU WITH JESUS ON HIS THRONE WHERE YOU WILL ALSO SIT (Revelation 3:21)
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 00:24:06 +0000

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