STICK TO THE SUNNAH ---------- *.1. It is a way of life - TopicsExpress


STICK TO THE SUNNAH ---------- *.1. It is a way of life prescribe for us according to Quran & Hadeeths, *.2. It is full of blessings & favors of the Almighty Allah (S.W.T). *.3. It encourage sound knowledge and discourage illiteracy & barbarism. *.4. It is the only path which has been uttered by the Noble Prophet (S.A.W) to stick upon. *.5. It is neither a sect of famine and destruction, nor it is a sociatal havoc. *.6. It teaches & enlighten about Allahs Shariah & the honours of His Prophet (S.A.W) *.7. It forbids setting of rivals or human intermediaries between Allah (S.W.T) & His slaves. *.8. It is the only way, the only track, the only salvation, the only commandment & only rope that can lead to an everlasting promise land. *.9. Once you stick to it, in shaa Allah you are safe, & once you neglected it & embrace human intermediaries, then you are doom. *.10. The Holy & Heavenly Messenger (S.A.W) says: my Ummah (Nation) will be splift into 73 sects all of which shall go to the fire except 1. who are those ones O Messenger of Allah??? Asked by one of His companions???!!! They are the ones who hold the book of Allah (Qurand) & the Sunnah (my tradition). O our Rubb, Glory be to Thee & Exalted be Ye for granting us thy favors and exalting the Sunnah of thy Prophet. Or Allah do not purnish us for the sins of others, and quide our chastity & control every single movement of our noble tongue and pain in writting and spreading what is good to the people of understanding. Or our Rubb do not let us be among those who arrogantly and ignorantly denied the Sunnah of thy Messenger (S.A.W) & embraces the Sunnah of their fake scholars, Ameeen. O ALLAH WE FOLLOW YOU AND WE FOLLOW THY MESSENGER, GIVE US VICTORY IN THIS WORLD AND GRANT US SALVATION FROM THY WRATH IN THE HERE AFTER.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 20:46:53 +0000

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