STILL ON THE BATTLE BETWEEN THE NIGERIAN MARITIME ADMINISTRATION AND SAFETY AGENCY AND THE NIGERIA LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS LIMITED OVER LEVIES: The NLNG and NIMASA impasse need not have occurred if only the Nigerian government can operate as one unit with the cabinet in full control of intra-agency issues. This reminds me of the raging war between the Customs Service, an Agency under the Federal Ministry of Finance, and the Trade and Investment Ministry over the implementation of the Export Expansion Grant; and how an incentive put in place to drive an export oriented economy has become a burden rather than a blessing. A lot of other needless struggles take place on a frequent basis - the Army and the Police, the Police and Civil Defence, the Police and State Governments (as is the case in Rivers State) and a host of other bodies whose roles are meant to be complimentary suddenly end up being conflicting with battle lines being drawn. All these happens because People are personalizing their office as opposed to allowing institutional framework guide their actions. The loser here is not just government but the Nigerian people. ft/intl/cms/s/0/806c11ba-e7e9-11e2-babb-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2ZFxfuSgs
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 00:32:47 +0000

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