STOCK OF PHRASES To show white feathers : to show - TopicsExpress


STOCK OF PHRASES To show white feathers : to show fear. feather in the cap : a very good achievement. A good Samaritan : a really kind man. To rise like a phoenix : to start afresh from a low position. To meet ones waterloo : to meet ones defeat. To have cold feet : to be reluctant. To raise a dust : to create confusion. To bring home the bacon :to be successful. To carry the day :to win after a long effort. To stick to ones gun : to maintain ones point against all opposition. Come cap in hand : very humble. Man of Iron :a man of strong will power. Man of straw : insignificant. Man of letters : scholar. To have several irons in the fire :so many engagements at a time. At a low key : at reducing. At crossroads : be in confusion because of many choices. At stake : in danger. To die a dogs death : unheroic death. To fine on all cylinders :to exert with all force. To break the duck : to begin. To play ducks and drakes :to squander money. A big shot : important person. A boon in disguise : a benefit in loss. A cry in the wilderness :an irrelevant effort. To beat about the bush :to talk about unimportant things. To sound a red alert : to make alert. Rise from ashes : to rise high from low. To put the cat among pigeons :to be placed in a wrong situation. Cut the Gordian knot :to perform a difficult task. To talk shop : to talk nonsense. To turn a deaf ear : to disregard. To gain ground :to become more general. through thick and thin :under all circumstances. To have finger in the pie :to do something in an affair. To have ones heart in the right place : to be kind. My hands are full : I am busy To give someone a piece of mind :to scold. To kick up a row :to make great noise and fuss. To bury the hatchet : to make peace. To set the Thames on fire :to do some remarkable or surprising things. High and dry : isolated, stranded. To be at the end of ones tether :to have no resources left. Odds and ends : various articles. A hot line :direct telephone line between heads of states. nTo shoot a line :to exaggerate about ones success. To read between the lines :to understand more than the actual words. To feather ones nest : to provide money even dishonestly. To black-ball :prevent from doing something. To be in the black (of ones Money) :to be in the credit. A blue book : A government report. To paint the town red : to celebrate noisily in public places. To make no bones about Something :to do or say a thing openly if it is unpleasant. Pull the wool over somebodys Eyes :to deceive. To have several iron in the fire :to have many tasks or many pieces of work. To keep ones fingers crossed :to remain anxious, wishing good for somebody. To keep one wolf away from the door :to keep off poverty from oneself. n A red letter day : an important day. To work like a dog : to work very hard. To foot the bill : to make payment. Bone of contention : cause of quarrel. To beggar description :beyond description. To play a second fiddle : to act as a subordinate to do the secondary role. Cut no ice : to make no effect. Under a cloud : to be in bad book. Once and for all : forever. Oily tongue : one who flatters. Hand in glove : close friendship. Hole and corner policy :improper policy. Far and wide : all around. Far and away : certainly. Fair-weather friends :friends only in good days. In deed : really. Face value : superficially, Fancy price : High price. Stick ones neck out : to take risk. To put a spoke in ones wheel : to disturb. To Brown study : in reverie. Moot point : controversial point. To plough a lonely furrow :to do without anybodys help. Bring home : to emphasise. Make hay while the Sun shines : to make best use of the favourable opportunities. Rank and file : common man. Talk through ones hat : talk nonsense. To lead one by the nose :To cause to follow blindly. To explore every avenue :To try every method. at the drop of a hat :For no reason at all. To kick ones heels : to waste time. To smell something fishy :To feel that there is something wrong. To get away with : to escape. All agog : In a state of excitement. Adams ale : ordinary water. Ones cup of tea :what one likes and can do well. In a flutter :in a state of nervous excitement. A chip of the old block :characteristics of ones ancestors. A close shave : a lucky escape. Blow hot and cold : to be inconsistent. A bull in the china shop :an awkward, tactless or clumsy person. To have the floor : to make a speech. A case in point :an illustrative case connected to the subject of discussion.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:30:38 +0000

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