STONE 11. CONTD.-THE METHODS SATAN USES TO WEAR OUT THE SAINTS. He has many clear strategies, maneuvers & many schemes that he employs. Method: 1.He brings constant accusation against them. Some from past, some from the present. To refuse read Rev.12:10 know & defend by telling him what he is, the accuser of the Brethren. Lk.21:34,2 Tim.1:7. His deed is for such to be heavily loaded with the cares of this life, resulting in anxiety, worry, torment, possibly disease. (Mt.6:25-34) At time, when were so pressured by our jobs, the cares of our family, the world, and the things that surround us, they rob us of love, destroy our peace of mind, and devastate our relationship with the Lord. Method 2: From within us: a large percentage of the pressures, problems & cares of this life are on our own carless & thoughless doings. Example, our wants far exceed our needs. (Phlp.4:19) Method 3: Worry, anxiety, frustration & fears are cuase by our trying to serve two masters. (Mt.6:33) We need to know that; while we are doing Gods work, He takes care of our needs. If we want promotion, we need to obeyed Him & in return, Hell be true to His Word in His cares of us. WAY OUT: Start reading afresh the powerful, conforting & reasuring Word of God & see how many blessings God has promised to those who loves, serve & obey Him. Believe me, Faith is not a dream; faith is a substances. Faith & trust are normal to receive heaven as or heritage. While unbelief is a weakness; Faith is Almighty strength. Doubt is bondage; faith is Victorious liberty. (1 Th.5:24, Mrk.11:24) Faith has love as it active principle. YOUR PRAYER SHOULD BE: He who had led will lead All through the wilderness; He who had helped will help And never cease to Bless; He who hath heard thy cry Will never close His ear; He who hath marked thy faintest sigh Will not forget thy tears... He loveth always, faileth never; So rest on Him, today, forever! -Francis Ridley Havergal We pause...
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 12:33:13 +0000

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