STOP BEGGING Harry Reid and do something about job creation in the - TopicsExpress


STOP BEGGING Harry Reid and do something about job creation in the US!!! MORE & MORE people are living paycheck to paycheck yet you still spout your outright lies to gullible Americans! Harry Reid claimed none of the “horror stories” about Obamacare were true, leading to well-deserved mockery. He’s now revised that to the “vast majority” being untrue. Oh yeah and lets not forget how The ACA has been costly in people losing insurance and companies not providing..but oh yeah thats just gibberish! If current trends continue, Obamacare will go down as one of the biggest mistakes in our government’s history. Of the many Obamacare lies, the biggest fallacy was that “If you like your plan can keep your plan.” But corporations from GE, IBM, to Time Warner have said they will stop providing insurance for hundreds of thousands of employees. Already, over 4.5 million Americans have received cancellation letters because of Obamacare and it’s estimated that one-third of all U.S. employers could stop offering health insurance to their workers. Others who still receive healthcare through their employer might have thought they were safe from the law, but starting in 2014 they will feel Obamacare’s wrath, if they haven’t already. And don’t forget, healthcare was supposed to be “affordable for all.” But experts are now predicting premiums could rise up to 413% for some individuals. Millions of other Americans are finding out that the many Obamacare taxes don’t just hurt those making over $250,000. Worse, the federal subsidies provided to lower-income individuals under Obamacare won’t provide enough financial assistance for some consumers and the burden of paying for these subsidies ultimately falls on middle class Americans, who will suffer most under the law. The government program officially known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is quickly becoming a house of lies. Even staunch liberal Michael Moore declared, “Obamacare is awful” in a New York Times op-ed. “For many people, the ‘affordable’ part of the Affordable Care Act risks being a cruel joke,” he wrote. “The cheapest plan available to a 60-year-old couple making $65,000 a year in Hartford, Conn., will cost $11,800 in annual premiums. And their deductible will be $12,600. If both become seriously ill, they might have to pay almost $25,000 in a single year.” Americans are taking notice of the disastrous plan. Obamacare’s approval rating recently hit an all-time low of 35%.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 02:14:16 +0000

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