STOP BEING THE PROBLEM! REFUSE TO GIVE THE FED YOUR HARD-EARNED MONEY! May 18, 2014 at 8:04pm DO NOT PAY ANY MORE TAXES!! STOP FEEDING THE MACHINE, AND STOP BEING THE PROBLEM!! TAKE A STAND FOR YOURSELVES, AND RECLAIM YOUR SOVEREIGNTY!! First, we need to understand a little history: The original Constitution (which actually wasnt finalized until 1812, when Virginia became the last state needed to ratify the 13th Amendment; which forbade titles of nobility (i.e. the B.A.R. Association and royalty) from entering and/or contracting into government, law enforcement, and the judicial system; but was ignored after the intended distraction of the War of 1812) was actually spelled the constitution for the united states of America. Notice the capitalization, or rather lack thereof. This actually means something in legal terms, under Roman Canon law. Whenever you spell something in all lower case lettering, under Canon law it signifies that you reserve all of your rights. This is called capitis diminutio minima. Capitis diminutio media, which is when you spell a word beginning with a capital letter, signifies the surrender of ones familial rights. Capitis diminutio maxima is when something is spelled with all capital letters, and signifies surrender of not only familial rights, but also personal rights. This is when an entity becomes a corporation, property.. reduced to Roman slavery under Canon law. Which is why any official appearance of your name is always in all capital letters. The original, organic constitution was an attempt to secede from that, hence the lack of capitalization. When the new country first went bankrupt, they sought help from outside sources. JP Chase Morgan and the Rothschilds were more than eager to help.. but not without cost.This was the beginning of our return to the British Crown. The government was loaned money (at interest, of course, like all banking), and it was decided that the burden of debt would be shifted to the public sector. Thus we see the Act of 1871, the secret Treaty of Verona, and the 14th Amendment (which mind you, was never ratified); which yes, ended physical ownership of slavery, but.. in turn transformed all citizens into individual corporations, or slaves to the new entity that became the corporation known henceforth as the UNITED STATES, INC. (notice once again, the capitalization). This is also when the Constitution was silently, covertly changed to read: The Constitution of the UNITED STATES. This occurred so that the federal government could deal on a commercial level with said citizens through taxes, bills, fines, fees, etc., under the laws of Commerce, Maritime Admiralty Law, and Roman Canon law. This was the end of our American sovereignty, and the beginning of our silent acquiescence to it. Which is why your birth certificate goes to the DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE; because you, your physical body, is the backing of our money. You are a security on the New York Stock Exchange. We became the security of the debt that our government and the mobster bankers fictitiously created. People are referred to in legal terms as moveable property, because somebody somewhere ownsyour body, yet you are able to move about freely. Think Im lying? Anyone here have an original copy of their birth certificate? The original, the one that actually left the hospital with them when they were born? Flip it over. Look at the back. You will find that it has been all over the world, and stamped by numerous banks and/or corporations, before it was ever even assigned to you. Eerie? These corporations all bid for the sale of ownership of your body and labor before you were ever even born. (More recent birth certificates may not have these markings, as the powers that be discovered the fact that people were beginning to catch on to and question this idea; so they began instead issuing copies made to look like originals. The original copy is now held by whichever entity paid for and ownsthe deed/title that is your all-capital letter name/entity). Then finally, yes, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 sealed the deal, and gave away control of our nations currency and financial future to the control of..? Yet another privatecorporation. The Federal Reserve is no more federal than Fed-Ex. The Federal Reserve (and their thug enforcers, the I.R.S.) are not government agencies. They are independentcorporations, which are not even headquartered here in America, but rather in Puerto Rico!! There are two Constitutions in play; our original, organic version, which still holds true if you do enough homework to know how to claim it.. and the mockery it was changed into, which is technically nothing more than a business charter. This is why, under their own new laws, (remember, silence = acquiescence in legal terms) technically the corporation known as the UNITED STATES, INC has never done a single thing wrong. Atrocities have been committed against the original version, but this is not true of their own modified version. So, the lesson is: de-condition yourselves. Withdraw also your voter registration, as this is also a form of acquiescence to the slavery. By getting this permission to vote, you are essentially claiming to be a part of the corporation so that you can vote for its C.E.O. (president). There are official forms you can pull up online which will rescind this registry. Teach yourself to always spell your name in all lower-case letters, especially on tax forms. Learn about the concepts I have stated above. Claim exempt on all tax forms, and neveraccept any ownership to any all-capital letter appearance of your name (also referred to as your strawman). It will appear everywhere: your drivers license, marriage license, business license, court summons, etc.. will always appear in all capital letters. (A license or permit, by the way, is nothing more than asking an authority figure for permission to do something which they considered illegal, but yet is not unlawful. There is a hugedifference. Remember also, that Acts and statutes are not laws. But by applying for and accepting a license or permit, you also acknowledge this entity as an authority, and agree to abide by any rules they set (which they can change at any time, without even informing you), as well as partnering them in as an equal partner. That is why they then have the authority to come in and seize anything they want. Which is why when you breakcontract, like in a divorce, you dont go before God; you go to court. And youd better bring everything you own.. your money, assets, car, home, even your children. Because this authority figure is now your business partner, to your own admission and approval.) But you have to verbally invoke this. Silence is acquiescence. Trust me, I have not paid taxes in 7 years now, and the I.R.S. (which, remember, is not a government organization, but an independent corporation) has taken me to court twice now for it.. and they have lost, both times. BUT YOU NEED TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK.. Study some real history and law, instead of just watching random videos online. If you need more help, I can be your guide; please do not hesitate to ask. In the meantime, I will leave you here with some more pearls of knowledge. (Yes, a bunch of videos and websites. But I implore you not to just watch them, but to back them up with other references as well. This stuff is easy to find online, as well as in legal references such as Blacks Law Dictionary, numerous journals, databases, and historical documents). Now, continuing on: Sooo.. As far as opting out of taxes goes: There are a few ways to go about it.. The most bold option (which I took), is to realize that the Federal Reserve and their thug enforcers, the Internal Revenue Service, are notgovernmental agencies, but indeed independent corporations. Also, there is absolutely nolaw anywhere on the books that states that citizens are legally required to pay income or any other taxes, even in statutory law!! Remember: we fought an entire war to gain independence from this idea. So in this case, merely obtain a new W-4 from your employer, and mark exempt instead of claiming any numbers. Fill in only the spaces that ask for name and address, and spell everything in all lower-case lettering. Leave blank the sections for social security number (which is another form of acquiescence to the Corporation) as well as the marital status. In blocks 5 and 6, draw a line through them so that your employer, who likely has never seen nor heard of such things, cannot fill any figures into them (this has happened to me before, and I had to do a whole new form after a months worth of taxes were deducted). In the signature block, print your name instead of attaching a signature, again in all lower-case letters.. and be done with it. This is exactly the correct lawful way to fill this out when claiming exempt, as they do not need any of this information in this case anyways. I have included a screenshot below to help guide you through this. You can do this at any time, and it is legal, despite what they would have you think. No more taxes will be henceforth deducted from your check. The Fed will no longer have access to your free money to spend on war and oppression, and you yourself will one step closer to the abolishment of your own slavery. The law also has no definition of what income is; so in such cases, we refer to the dictionary for answers.. Blacks Law Dictionary defines income as profit made from owning a business. If you own a business, chances are you had to get a license to own and operate said business; which also in turn partners in the Federal government as an equal partner. Which is why they are able to tax your income under the rules of Commerce and Maritime Admiralty Law. The same case holds true with Federal employees, who work directly for the Fed, or corporation, thus is the same concept as profiting from a business, or independent contracting. If you are neither a business owner nor a federal employee, then you make earnings, not income. Thus, even by their own unconstitutional rules, earnings are not taxable. Also, keep in mind: the Act of 1871, which put us back under British rule, was also unconstitutional according to the 13th Amendment; and the 14th Amendment was never properly ratified. Which means the only law you are bound to, if you claim your sovereignty (and always spell your name in all lower-case letters (capitis diminutio minima) is the original, organic Constitution of 1812. All other laws since then are merely corporate fiction, and after all these years have been accepted; yet are still no more lawful than theft, rape, or murder. If you wish to know more of these things, and how to better protect yourself, I will be your guide. The second (the safe way) is to merely claim exempt on a new W-4, and then at the end of tax season, calculate what you would have owed; but instead, donate this money to charities, schools, hospitals, and non-profit organizations. The I.R.S. website even has a list of organizations they support for this. Save all receipts, mark as filed, and send to the I.R.S. Done deal. You still miss out on your tax money this way; but at least you get to determine where it goes and how it is spent.. instead of giving it away to a bunch of politicians that use it to feed their war machine, and push their personal agendas here in America and around the World. As is stood as of late 2012, over $85 billion of our tax money is sent to foreign, offshore banks which hold no stake nor claim to our country. Over $3 billion sent to Israel, to fun their genocide over Palestine.. And over $783 trillion spent alone on our military, and foreign wars and interventions. Meanwhile, a mere 7% of our countrys budget was utilized for education. Meanwhile, America is homeless, starving, and broken. How much will ever be enough? Jordan Maxwell: How The US Government Really Works https://youtube/watch?v=pkiNqy6xTSg&list=UUAV9KV4Mt4-YVdyYFC57Uaw Mountain Man Ernie terTelgte Before Court https://youtube/watch?v=klUuAKjr8yk&list=UUAV9KV4Mt4-YVdyYFC57Uaw Capitis Diminutio abovetopsecret/forum/thread346428/pg1 Anonymous: Two Constitutions/ The Shadow Government https://youtube/watch?v=dJoSWkFkZ4M&list=UUAV9KV4Mt4-YVdyYFC57Uaw TheDifference Between Sovereignty and Tyranny IRS Director Admits Taxes Are Voluntary 2013 https://youtube/watch?v=h4rpM4egOl0&list=UUAV9KV4Mt4-YVdyYFC57Uaw FEDERAL INCOME TAX IN US IS ILLEGAL!! Ex IRS Agent Informs Us All: Part 1 https://youtube/watch?v=GScyh4OETAg&list=UUAV9KV4Mt4-YVdyYFC57Uaw FEDERAL INCOME TAX IN US IS ILLEGAL!! Ex IRS Agent Informs Us All: Part 2 https://youtube/watch?v=dojUhrliYBk&list=UUAV9KV4Mt4-YVdyYFC57Uaw Sherry Peel Jackson: INCOME TAX DOES NOT APPLY TO NORMAL CITIZENS!! https://youtube/watch?v=-gPkwg93KVY&list=UUAV9KV4Mt4-YVdyYFC57Uaw Former IRS agent who quit and challenge the Federal Income Tax - John Turner https://youtube/watch?v=4vrtmBNTPHI Federal Income Tax on Personal Labor is Unconstitutional https://youtube/watch?v=OCPLOGftFuw
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 05:38:44 +0000

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