STOP FALLING FOR LIES...get in the Good book and read and pray. - TopicsExpress


STOP FALLING FOR LIES...get in the Good book and read and pray. Meditate day and night, ponder the WORDS of Christ...false doctrines of men...the rapture doctrine is a lie born straight out of the pIt of cause christians to be complacent and lethargic...not discerning the times...WAKE-UP... The rapturists cannot be compared to the good people because they are doing absolutely nothing to prepare for the day. They may not be actively sinning, but they are certainly not promoting God’s Kingdom. They have, in fact, become fat, lazy Christians. The only “preparation” they are making is assuming their righteousness. In fact, they are merely engaged in business as usual, like Noah’s contemporaries “eating and drinking, marrying, giving in marriage,” etc. The revelers of Noah’s time were blissfully going about their daily activities, disobeying God’s commandment to establish His Kingdom here on earth. Verses 40 and 41 tell us, “Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.” Now, given the context that Jesus clearly ascribes back to the days of Noah, who is “taken” and who is “left behind?” It is clear that the people who were left behind here on earth were the good people of Noah’s family. The ones who were “taken away” were the evil ones of the surrounding country. They were taken away by death. There is no other possible interpretation. The rapturists, in order to purvey their doctrine, must REVERSE the clear meaning of Genesis 7 in order to interpret Matthew 40 and 41 to mean what they claim. Jesus is telling us that the ones who will be taken, AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH, will be like the evil ones who were swept away by the Flood. Contrariwise, the righteous ones, AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH, were “left behind” here on earth, although they had to endure a seven month ride in the ark. THE RAPTURISTS HAVE GOT IT BACKWARDS; and they had better start preparing for the worst, because, if you keep on reading Matthew, Chapter 24, Jesus makes it very clear who will inherit the Kingdom: Sonny Eanes
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 16:29:39 +0000

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