STOP INSULTING THE PRESIDENT AND HIS FAMILY RIVERS PDP TELLS AMAECH Press Briefing By Bro Felix Obuah, State Chairman of PDP, Rivers State On The Continued Insults On President GoodLuck Jonathan By Governor Chibuike Amaechi The Peoples Democratic Party, PDP In Rivers State has noted with dismay Gov. Chibuike Amaechi’s persistent and penchant for insulting and dragging the names of President GoodLuck and the First Lady, Dame (Dr) Patience Jonathan to the mud. This untoward attitude of Amaechi which has become his tradition with no other aim than to lower the reputation and personality of the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and son of the Niger Delta in the estimation of the right thinking members of the society has continued to be fired and given undue impetus by Gov. Amaechi and a few of his friends on this satanic mission against all wise counsel and good conscience. It’s on record that Gov. Amaechi has in different public fora within and outside the country made varying uncomplimentary and inciting remarks about the person and office of President Goodluck Jonathan and his wife. Just yesterday, while appearing before the Human Rights Commission in Abuja, the insolent Amaechi rather than address the questions put to him, veered off to accuse the wife of the President, Dame Patience Jonathan of influencing the transfer of the former commissioner of police in the State to pave way for the present State Commissioner, Mbu Joseph Mbu. We wonder what Amaechi further intends to achieve by repeatedly maligning the President and his family and linking them to any predicament that befalls him. The PDP in Rivers State is not happy with this public opprobrium from Amaechi who has resorted to cheap blackmail and apparent mischief as playing politics by painting the entire State in bad light. We’ll no longer condone this irresponsible, irrational and malicious disrespect for our dear President and his wife by a paranoid Amaechi. It’s regrettable that rather than admit that he is confused and has lost focus, Gov. Amaechi deludes himself into believing that the only thing he can do to gain back the confidence and trust of the disappointed Rivers People is to accuse President Jonathan of being responsible for his non-performance. The party has noted that what Gov. Amaechi has failed to tell the people is whether it’s also president Jonathan and his wife that are in custody of the trillions of naira that continue to accrue to the State from both the federal allocation and internally generated revenues that made him not to deliver to the people the expected dividends of democracy. Does Amaechi need to be told that part of his problems is rather than tackling the increasing demands of leadership head-on, he has continued to look for nonexistent external causes and those responsible for his woes and wishing to pass the bulk on someone else. We are however consoled by the fact that Nigerians now know better and cannot be cajoled into mistaking farce for fact, for a president that is highly reputed for his democratic ideals and regard for the separation of powers even among the agencies directly under the presidency cannot descend so low to compete with Amaechi or interfere in State matters which no other State Governor out of the 36 States of Nigeria has accused him of, other than Amaechi. Gov. Amaechi’s problem definitely is self-afflicted and he knows this. The earlier he acknowledges this fact and begins to amend his ways, the sooner he will be free from the crisis of self bondage which he misconstrues as political witch-hunting or crisis Insulting and carrying all manner of aspersions on President Jonathan and his family or anyone else cannot but complicate his problems. Amaechi’s problem is fundamentally, personality disorder and attention deficiency which is curable only if he is willing to acknowledge this fact. The PDP in Rivers State by this medium also wishes to exonerate and apologize on behalf of the good Rivers people that President Goodluck Jonathan still has our high regard and honour and can count on our unflinching support any time any day notwithstanding the lone dissident voice of a drowning Gov. Amaechi. Thank you and God bless Bro Felix A Obuah State Chairman PDP, Rivers State October 19, 2013
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 21:50:29 +0000

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