STOP SCROLLING YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT FOR AWHILE ALL OF US PEOPLE MUST KNOW THE TRUTH NOW AND WATCH THIS SHOCKING VIDEO EVER: YOU MAY BELIEVE IT OR NOT! - ITS UP TO YOU!... THIS IS A VERY ALARMING STORY THAT HAVE BEEN TOLD BY ALL THE NATO U.S INTELLIGENCE GOVERNMENT RETIRED VETERANS. DISCLOSURE IS SO CLEARLY COME TO CLOSED NOW. BUT UNTIL NOW THE U.S GOVERNMENT ARE STILL HIDING SECRETS FROM US ALL... Originally Uploaded June 27th 2010 Two incredible whistle blowers step forward to tell the truth about UFOs and Aliens: Retired Army UFO Consultant, Sgt. Clifford Stone and Retired NATO Intelligence Analyst, Robert Bob Dean. These two men have been deep within the UFO Secrecy with High level clearance. Now they speak the truth to the public!... Disclosure is a process and different for every individual. Many people will just disregard all the evidence, witnesses, abduction cases, whistle blowers, videos and photographs either because they have bought in to the brainwashing and coverup..or because to do otherwise would shatter their belief systems and cause them to question everything they have been taught. I urge all of you to do your own research. The information provided in this video and below should help you along your journey He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors. - Thomas Jefferson I know this video is so long for you to watch for. But hey you should watch this. For you to know the real truth why we should all be prepared and do something about the U.S Government about their top secret that they are hiding from us for so long. Most that watch this video will not believe because they are so far removed from this reality of aliens. Hopefully many will begin to question the truth and continue the search for truth. Many have died for the revealing of these truths and we have to begin to realize that we are being manipulated to some agenda that we know nothing about. We are being poisoned every day by all the lies and cover secrets from the U.S government. Look up some of these things and then join others to stop this slow death they are dealing us. They want to hide to us because the true history of human may unseal, and our mind unleashed, the truth will reveal, that we are all slave of the hydro, draco reptilian race of aliens, and their allied worker the grey alien, they dont want to know that in the time of President Eisenhower they sign an agreement with the aliens, human abduction in our human race will be exchange it with new and advance war technology . All of us are being blinded to these things for what reason? Question everything then search for the truth. We are the real human race of this planet, and we should conquer our own planet earth.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 00:18:42 +0000

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