STOP THE CAMPAIGN OF LIES The attention of the Campaign - TopicsExpress


STOP THE CAMPAIGN OF LIES The attention of the Campaign Headquarters of Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen has been drawn to a renewed campaign of lies and vilification by elements within the Nana Addo campaign against Alan Kyerematen, and do hereby call on those bent on throwing mud at Alan to stop forthwith in the interest of party unity. In a recent publication in The Publisher of Wednesday 6th August – Sunday 10th August, 2014, one Hopeson Adorye who is an active supporter of Nana Addo is charging that Alan is spreading leaflets which are claiming that Nana has suspended his campaign activities on grounds of ill-health. The Alan for President Campaign Headquarters, hereby, states categorically that these claims are false, unfounded and fabricated with the motive of undermining Alan’s clean, decorous and manifestly issues-based campaign. We wish to let all and sundry know that Alan’s message is clear, credible and strong, that he is the best placed candidate to unite the party, resource the party adequately to fight and win elections. Alan Kyerematen also has what it takes to fix the economy of Ghana within a matter of two years of becoming President of Ghana. With such a critical focus both on the party’s rejuvenation and national reconstruction, we wish to emphasise that Alan’s campaign team has no time to spare on trivialities and propaganda. Such trivialities and propaganda only have the potential to undermine party unity, and also jeopardise the party’s chances of winning the crucial elections of 2016. We, hereby, admonish all, especially, Hopeson Adorye and his ilk that the party faces a critical and uphill task of fulfilling the expectations, hopes and aspirations of Ghanaians, of bringing the NPP coming back to power in 2016. The focus of Alan’s campaign will not be diverted to such inconsequential matters, personal attacks and divisive tendencies that do not contribute anything to the party’s or Ghana’s good. What NPP and Ghana need now are positive ideas and a productive campaign that will bring NPP to power and Ghana out of the current leadership and economic mess inflicted on us by the Mahama-led NDC government. In a related development, we wish to correct the false reporting by the Daily Guide of Monday, August 11, 2014, that only a handful of constituency chairmen attended the meeting with Alan Kyerematen in Tamale last Thursday. For the record, twenty-nine out of the total of thirty-one constituency chairmen attended the meeting with Alan in Tamale. This is a simple matter of record which a newspaper of the stature of Daily Guide could easily have cross-checked and avoided such misrepresentation of facts. The Alan for President Campaign Team do appreciate and value our partnership with the media. We however call on the media to verify and cross-check such important details of facts as such misrepresentation of facts have the potential to undermine the credibility of the media and our valued partnership. Nana Ohene-Ntow Director, Communications
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 19:15:17 +0000

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